Chapter 1

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                              A lone Interstellar vessel (measuring 940 Kilometers long and 490 Km wide) flew fast through the vacuum of Space amongst the stars. It was a sleek and glowing Grey vessel with vein-like designs glowing Green. This lone vessel was created by his hand and his hand alone. Its name is the "Sower of Peace" and its classification was a typical weak Engineering and Exploration Vessel utilized by the Korafghka Empire. His name was Teinakte (Pronounced Tenakt). It is merely an acronym for the Korafghka's naming culture, meaning his full name is Teikile Nakier Terigt. He was a Wagright at least was a Wagright. But due to one unfortunate "incident" with the Doveite, which controlled their Great Empire. He was forced into a "Never-ending Universal Journey" where he was exiled from the Korafghka Empire. However, he was given a mere day to get all he had from his original home Planet of Karakhe where he was raised and born and had lived for at least 18,000 years or more.

Surrounding the vessel were dozens upon dozens of thousands of Korafghka Interstellar Galaxial-Class Warships and Stariske-Class Combined Assault Interstellar Vessels. Teinakte knew that this was an ant when compared to the size of normal Korafghka fleets which comprised usually at least, several billion or more ships per fleet. Although on rare occasions Teinakte has heard that some fleets would reach tens of billions due to the sheer infinite productivity of his species as they utilized advanced engines that allowed entire tens of billions of ships to be produced in mere minutes. Thus allowing their species to be spread through several entire universes and even dominate their main Universal Galaxy of Korafghka Interiskia. This fleet originally was part of a large fleet that Teinakte once commandeered. When he was removed from his position, his good friend secretly him by providing him with the men he led and some ships he would need for his exile. Teinakte personally knew he would have to repay him in the future.

Being a Wagright, he naturally had an immense influence on the Fate he commands, the Wagre. The Wagrights served as the Great Commanders of the Wagre, the Advanced and Invincible supersoldiers of the Korafghka Empire, and armored with their advanced Templates and advanced Bazeikt Cannons (which fire Plasma Balls at immense speeds that are said to be capable of crumbling Planets so much so that the Opponents who get hit crumble and disintegrate at a Molecular level if necessary). But after the exile, he was immediately removed from his position. Now, his current goal was to "Find a Good Planet, for Colonization and to spread the Glory of the Empire". Which was ironic as the same empire he plans to serve and bring glory to, exiled him. But the same virtues and morals they have are what he truly served.

Teinakte looked at his large brutish form covered with his great template which was morphing into different forms and constantly assembling and disassembling for its maximum performance as he knew that his Template is a constantly adapting form of armor with it being able to adapt to all forms of ranged weaponry. Standing at 12.7 feet tall and completely encased with his Template. With advanced Grey armor and an advanced sword at his side which utilizes literal sunlight from the sun of Sokise to power the sword. Meaning it is sweltering even for plasma as it is said to be a billion times hotter than Plasma. Which leads to most opponents of Karsickte being disintegrated and killed instantly when trying to battle the legendary Wagre.

"Great Wagright Teinakte, it seems like our great fleet is approaching some form of a possibly dangerous form of anomaly."

Teinakte immediately looked at the Wagre who informed him and warned him of the Threat. It was Karsickte, a Wagre that was at the last stage of his Wagre stage and was going to inevitably evolve into a Wagright. He also served as Teinakte's second in command, with the much younger Korafghkaian being a prodigy and highly legendary warrior of the previous War. But Teinakte was not fazed after all he had fought and lived for nearly Thirty Thousand Millenia. A mere anomaly would never faze a Wagright.

A Korafghkan Light: A Wagright's ExileWhere stories live. Discover now