She turned, hand automatically reaching out to greet her new CO, "Captain Price, it's good to finally meet you, sir."

They'd called a number of times in the past weeks, discussing the details of her transfer onto the team and the impending threat that loomed above them.

"And you, Farrell. I've got the boys together so you can meet 'em. We won't be seeing action for a while if we're lucky, so you'll have time to settle in and get to know everyone. We'll discuss training and duties afterward. Sound alright?"

"Yes, sir," she nodded.

"Good. We've got someone to bring your bags to your quarters, so follow me and I'll give you a tour on the way."

She followed beside him, listening as he gestured to different amenities and necessary buildings. The campus was large—though not the largest she'd been stationed at—with somewhere near two thousand living and working.

It wasn't long before he directed them into HQ, rattling off the names of her new teammates; one Lieutenant and two Sergeants, also explaining that they had associates that would be helping them along the way if necessary.

But those she'd be working closest with were Simon Riley, Kyle Garrick, and Johnny MacTavish.

Price pushed through a lightwood door and Drew follow, taking in the sight of three men chatting around a table. Their voices died down as they entered, and her eyes skipped from one to the next.

"Hello, bonnie," a man with a Scottish accent nodded in acknowledgement.

Her brow shot up at the comment, but before she could say anything, Price was speaking up.

"Careful now, I have a feelin' this one bites," he warned.

"What's all this about then?"

She looked over to a blond man whose heavy brows were bunch together. He didn't look confused, more impatient.

"Gentlemen, this is Lieutenant Drew Farrell. Lieutenant, this is Sergeant Johnny MacTavish, Sergeant Kyle Garrick, and Lieutenant Simon Riley."

"Ah, call me Soap," Johnny corrected, a cheeky smile coming to his face. "Welcome to the team, lass."

"I'm Gaz," Kyle stated, before sending a smirk to Lieutenant Riley. "You alright, Ghost?"

Riley—or Ghost—looked at her, seemingly unimpressed. "You're Lieutenant Farrell?"

"Last I checked."

"Hm," he grunted before tilting his head slightly. "Drew's a boy's name," he stated blandly.

"You sure about that?" she countered.

"Got a quick tongue, eh?"

His eyes scanned her, taking in her appearance. It wasn't uncommon for men to get a glimpse of her roll their eyes. She didn't fit the expected look of a soldier so they looked down on her; an old way of thinking that was frustratingly still common in troops.

"Need one to deal with men like you."

His brows twitched and his lips quirked up in amusement. "Hm."

Price stepped forward, eyes on Ghost. "Don't go scaring our newest, Ghost, we need her."

"Don't worry, Cap, I don't scare easy," Drew noted pointedly.

Ghost cocked his head to the side, still looking amused. "She's just not what I expected."

"Am I everything and more?" she asked sarcastically.

Daisy | Simon RileyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang