Family trouble

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North Hampton was heading back to her room when she noticed Hornet standing outside Yorktown's room.

NH: Hey Hornet what's going on?

Hornet: My sisters got into some argument and things escalated quickly-

Suddenly what sounded like someone being punched was heard, and a few seconds later, a flustered Enterprise stumbled out of the room sobbing, followed quickly by Yorktown.

Yorktown: *reaches out* Wait Enty I didn't mean to-

Enterprise: DON'T TOUCH ME!!!!! *runs away*

*Several minutes of silence*

Hornet: Yorktown...Wh...what happened in there?

Yorktown: I...I was just telling Enterprise how stubborn she was being, then she told me I was being overprotective and then we were arguing, then yelling, then...then...

Hornet: you...what?

Yorktown: I HIT HER!!! Just slapped her and threw her onto the ground!

Hornet: North Hampton can you leave for a minute

NH: sure

Hornet: Hey it's gonna be fine.

Yorktown: NO it won't, what if she hates me now? What if she never wants to see me again?!

Hornet: I'm sure that's not the case. Just head to her room, apologize, and talk things out. I promise it'll work.

Yorktown: *sniffle* ok

Enterprise POV

Belfast: Miss Enterprise, what happened?!

Enterprise: It's none of your business, and please stop calling me miss.

Belfast: Enterprise, what happened you can tell me.

Enterprise: *sob* Yorktown and I...we got into an argument, she said I was too stubborn and reckless, I said she was too overprotective...and then we started yelling at each other...and...and...she just slapped me out of nowhere.

Belfast: Enterprise calm down, we can work this out, just head back to Yorktowns room and try to talk things out  with her.

Enterprise: But...what if she hates me now? She probably thinks I'm an ungrateful arrogant brat.

Belfast: She would never think that, I promise you.

Just then the door opens and a teary eyed Yorktown walks in.

Yorktown: Belfast, can we have a minute?

Belfast: *bows and walks out*

Enterprise: you don't have to say it, I'm sorry I never should have accused you of being overprotective, I am stubborn, and tonight just proved it.

Yorktown: Enty... the reason I came here was to apologize to you, I got too aggressive, and I hurt you, I'm sorry for that.

After hearing that Enterprise lunged up and embraced her sister, who hugged back. Then Hornet walks in and hugs them both from the side.

Hornet: it all worked out in the end.

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