Cold bug

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Hornet was going up to the Arctic for a training exercise, she was just about to leave when someone stops her.

Yorktown: Hornet you're not seriously doing this are you?

Hornet: what I'm just going up north for and exercise.

Yorktown: wearing a bikini top and shorts? At least put on a coat.

Hornet: I'll be fine I got my cape and my hat and a heating pad. 

Yorktown: but-

Hornet: bye see you in a month *shuts the door*

One month later

Enterprise: hey Hornet how was your trip.

Hornet: *shivering* it was fine, I'm just glad to be back. *cough cough*

Enterprise: you ok?

Hornet: yeah I just need a rest

The next day when Hornet woke up, her forehead was on fire, she was coughing and sneezing non stop, she was to weak to stand up, and she was shivering uncontrollably.

A few minutes later.

Yorktown: I told you to dress warmly.

Hornet: hmmmm *cough cough* achoo

Vestal: alright this fever might stay for a few weeks so just try to rest and eat.

Vestal then brings in a hot bowl of chicken noodle soup, which Yorktown proceeds to feed to Hornet.

Yorktown: say ah

Hornet: ah *bite*

Yorktown: (So Cute!!!)

Hornet: it's too hot!

Yorktown: well to bad

An Hour Later

Vestal: ok Hornet I got your medicine.

Hornet: Blah It's disgusting!

Yorktown: you have to take this if you want to get better

Hornet: Uh I feel better now *cough cough cough cough sniffle*

Yorktown: do you?

Enterprise: hey what's all the noise about?

Vestal: Hornet is sick, but she won't take her medicine.

Yorktown: Hey Enty I have something to do can you make sure your little sister takes her medicine.

Enterprise: uh sure

Hornet: please don't do this.

Enterprise: sorry *force feeds the medicine*

Hornet: Mmmmmmm (NONONO DISGUSTING!!!!!!)

The torture wouldn't stop there on top of the medicine, the heat in room was turned up all the way *120 degrees F* and she was also wrapped up with at least half a dozen blankets to avoid getting cold.

For the next few weeks poor Hornet had to endure the awful medicine and boiling food, while cocooned in blankets in 120 degree heat.

Finally after almost a month Hornet finally felt better and the temperature was turned down to normal, the cool sensation she felt when she broke out her cocoon couldn't have made her feel happier.

Yorktown: you learned your lesson?

Hornet: yes always dress appropriately for the cold.

Yorktown: and always listen to your big sister.


Several days after Hornet got better, she was just strolling around when she heard coughing coming from Enterprises room.

A few minutes later

Yorktown: How did you get sick?

Enterprise: Ok, Hornet wasn't the only one who went to the arctic, I also tagged along halfway there.

Hornet: And after a day, our engines froze and we climbed onto an ice flow, then we were stuck there for a few weeks.

Enterprise: the reason I wasn't as sick, well when we were rescued I got back early.

Yorktown: You 2 really don't think stuff through, do you?

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