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12:10 AM Belfast heard noises coming from the kitchen and decided to investigate, the lights were on but dimmed down, and when she looked inside she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

Belfast: Miss Enterprise are

Enterprise: ...Belfast! What are you doing here?!

Belfast: answer my questions first. How long have you been doing this

Enterprise: uh... a few years

Belfast: Why?

Enterprise: Because Yorktown and Vestal got me into it when I was young, and from that point on I became obsessed with it. Ok is that what you wanted to hear?

Belfast: Why keep it a secret?

Enterprise: Because...I'm supposed to be the cold, emotionless fighting machine who never lets life distract her. If this gets out I could be teased nonstop.

Belfast: You're insecure, aren't you?

Enterprise: *sigh* I guess.

Belfast: Miss this is nothing to be ashamed of, I'm sure of it.

Enterprise: maybe *scrapes scrambled eggs onto a plate* you want some?

Belfast: Of course

2 minutes

Belfast: mmm this is really good. Where did you learn to cook like this?

Enterprise: this book

Belfast: oh that explains it

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