Laffey's Awakening

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Author: this is based on the story "Laffey gets high" by CassusSkirata

Shoukaku was busy in the kitchen making her famous tempura, but this time instead of her sister she was making this all for herself and she was adding a very special ingredient.

The carrier was sinking in paperwork recently so to stay up long enough to finish it in time, she went to Akashi who handed her a strange bottle with the Iron Blood emblem, along with a contract.

Shoukaku: what's this for?

Akashi: nothing just sign it.

Shoukaku: fine.

Contract: Akashi might have broken some rules to get this drug, by signing this you promise to not rat her out, thanks nya.    ~IJN Shoukaku

Shoukaku: hope I didn't just make a huge mistake.

End of Flashback

Shoukaku: Ok so pour the drug into any food I make and eat it.

Shoukaku: pours a bit of the mysterious Iron Blood drug into the grease used to fry her tempura and waits, after a few minutes there done, so she decides to just let it cool for a few minutes.

Then a certain Eagle Union destroyer enters the canteen.

Laffey: mmmm Laffey smells something good. *sniff sniff, noticed the tempura*

Laffey thinking this was just someone's lunch ate every bite of the drugged tempuras

Laffey: mmmm tasty *leaves*

Shoukaku: EHHH who ate my special Tempura?!

Laffey was just wandering around the base when she remembered she had a training exercise today.


Nimi: be here by 12:00 PM Sharp

End of Flashback

Clock: 11:50 AM 

Laffey: mmmm Laffey has time, Laffey will find napping spot.

Laffey found a perfect napping spot under a tree and curled up into a ball, ready to fall asleep. And that's when the drugs took affect. Laffey suddenly jolted awake no longer sleepy.

Laffey: Wait no I don't have time, I have to get to that exercise.

A couple of shipgirls who were passing by stopped what they were doing and stared in awe at Laffey who for the first time ever, wasn't talking in her sleepy tone.

Out in the ocean.

Time/ 12:01 PM

Laffey: I'm here

Nimi: you're late...again!

Javelin: just by a minute, give her a break

Nimi: hmm fine.

Langley: alright here's how this exercise will go, each team will have a few destroyers, a couple cruisers, a battleship, and a carrier.

Team 1: Laffey/Javelin/Z23/Ayanami/Cleveland/Norfolk/Arizona/Hornet

Team 2: Yukikaze/Shigure/Z24/Hammon/Sheffield/Prinz Eugen/Hiei/Zuikaku

As everyone got into position some of the ship girls noticed Laffey was different... VERY Different.

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