Getting some shut eye

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Enterprise had just come back from patrol and was clearly exhausted but tried to hide it, unfortunately there was nothing she could hide from big sister.

Yorktown: Enty you look tired

Enterprise: No no I'm *yawn* ok

Yorktown: don't say that you're clearly exhausted, maybe stop going out on your pointless patrols for once.

Enterprise: but if I let my guard down-

Yorktown: not another word about that. Cmon there hasn't been any enemy for 2 years, you're watching out for something that isn't there

Enterprise: there's no such thing as too careful

Yorktown: yes there is, you've been coming home close to midnight a disheveled mess for the past month. You know what meet me at my room tonight.

Several hours later

Enterprise: alright Yorktown I'm here what do you want?

Yorktown: I'm going to help you get a good night sleep weather you want to or not.

Enterprise: but-

Yorktown: don't but me I'm your sister and I'm going to help you.

Enterprise: fine what do you need me to do

Yorktown: first change into this *holds out some clothing*

Enterprise: Eh but that's... a straight jacket

Yorktown: can't have you sneaking out while we sleep. Now put it on!

Enterprise realizing Yorktown meant business tried running away, but before she could reach the door 2 strong arms wrapped around and pinned her 2 the bed.

Enterprise: please you don't have to go this far

Yorktown: Yeah, I do

It took a few minutes but eventually Enterprise gave in and let Yorktown put the straight jacket on her, it was surprisingly comfy like a blanket, and though she didn't want to admit that, Yorktown knew.

Yorktown: Ok Enty one more thing, to make sure you actually sleep, I got something from Akashi.

Enterprise watches as her sister soaks a rag in some liquid then realizes it was chloroform.

Enterprise: Hey wait-   Mmmmmmm

Yorktown: Shhhh just take a deep breath and relax.

Enterprise: Mmmmmm...Zzzzzzzz

Yorktown: finally *turns off the light* good night baby

Enterprise woke up the next morning and found that Yorktown had unbuckled the straight jacket and left.

Enterprise: fine you win big sis, I do feel better after a good night sleep. *Yawn* maybe just a few more hour- Zzzzzzzz

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