Who are we?

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Enterprise: We can't hold them off much longer Hornet, how long until backup gets here?

Hornet: another hour at least.

Enterprise: Dammit we don't have that much time *explosion* Argh Hornet are you ok?!

Hornet: *cough* N...no

Enterprise: *Hurry's over* It's ok, I got you.

Hornet: *cough*just...leave me...save yourself.

Enterprise: NO! I won't do that. I won't abandon you!

The siren ships get closer and prepare to finish the 2 carriers off.

Hornet: I guess this is the end.

Enterprise: *hugs her* g...goodbye little sister.


A few weeks later

Yorktown: Are they awake?!

Vestal: yeah there both regaining consciences as we speak.

Yorktown: oh, that's great. Can I see them?

Vestal: oh...uh...about that.

Few minutes later

Yorktown: Wh...what do you mean you don't remember!

Enterprise: I...I don't know who you are. I don't know who I am. I just don't know.

Vestal: apparently that explosion damaged their cubes in such a way that they lost all their memories.

Yorktown: Nonono. This can't be happening

Hornet: Miss, are you all right

Yorktown: I...just need a minute.

Yorktown: what do I do now?!

Vestal: well there's really only one thing you can do.

Yorktown: which is?

Vestal: make new memories for them.

Yorktown: wait you don't mean...

Vestal: yeah you'll have to raise them all over again.

Yorktown: ...

A year later Yorktowns sisters are mostly back to normal, aside from being a little more childish. And Enterprise once slapped Belfast for trying to force feed her, that didn't go well.

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