Laffey's Awakening pt2

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Ayanami: Laffey Chan are you ok? 

Laffey: yes I'm fine let's do this!

Javelin: that's not something Laffey would say-

Langley: on my mark, 3...

Nimi: too late for questions.

Langley: 2...1... GO

He exercise begins and things go south for team one when Arizona is hit from one of Zuikaku's aircraft, taking her out of the round.

Hornet: hey you'll pay for that bird costume.

Zuikaku: you're named after a bug! How is that less embarrassing?

Hornet: hey don't make fun of my- *gets hit*

Eugen: word of advice, don't put all effort into a single opponent 

Things aren't looking good for team 1, with artillery and air support gone there sitting ducks.

A few minutes later Norfolk and Cleveland are taken out with a combo of bombing runs and concentrated fire, leaving only the 4 destroyers left. 2 since Ayanami and Nimi were taken out trying to torpedo charge.

Javelin: Laffey it's up to us now, let's try to get close enough to- *gets hit* ouchie.

Yukikaze: Haha, see nobody can be beaten with the famous Yukikaze on their side.

Shigure: No I'm the one they need, you're not the lucky one, I am!

While those 2 were arguing on who was luckier...

Langley: hey you still have one opponent.

Hiei: please that pathetic little thing, she'll be a piece of cake

Z24: take this *launches torpedoes*

While everyone was expecting the figure in the distance to be hit giving them the win, nothing happens, looking back they saw Laffey was awake, FULLY AWAKE

Laffey with the face of a ferocious battle hardened warrior, was holding Z24 torpedoes and through them aside.

Javelin: Laffey! What happened to you?

Laffey: I'm truly awake for the first time,

Laffey suddenly charges at astonishing speed picking up Ayanami's sword on the way, once in range she pulverized everyone, in less then a minute starting with not so lucky pair of destroyers and the other pair, along with Sheffield and Hiei.

Eugen: oh this is getting fun let's see what you got-

Laffey suddenly shows up behind Eugen and disabled her rigging with a stab to the back.

Zuikaku: so War God of Solomon this is your true potential, *draws katana*.

Zuikaku: engages Laffey in a melee fight but after just a few seconds Laffey, knocks the katana out of her hand and cuts apart her flight deck.

Zuikaku: Hey no fair.

Langley: Ugh against all odds team 1 is victorious.

Hornet: hey kid how did you do all that.

Hornet never got an answer to her questions, Laffey was already gone sailing back to base for a nap, since by now the drugs were wearing off.

After her Nap Laffey returned to her normal Sleepy self leaving everyone even more confused.

Javelin: Laffey Wake Up!

Laffey: *yawn* Javelin what are you doing here.

Nimi: what do you think? You went crazy during that training exercise.

Laffey: what exercise?

Javelin: Laffey did you lose your memory?

Laffey: Laffey remembers falling asleep before noon, then I woke up here.

Long story short Nobody ever found out how Laffey was awakened, all they do know is the sleeepy bun bun had more potential then anyone thought possible.

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