Tv argument

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Enterprise was heading to the living room to watch something in Tv, but then froze when she saw her sister Hornet was also there.

Enterprise: What are you doing?

Hornet: I was gonna watch a movie. You?

Enterprise: I was gonna watch a documentary... which is a movie for mature people.

Both: ... *race to the TV* *tackle each other*

Hornet: I got the remote!

Enterprise: NO mine!

Both: *wrestling for a few minutes*

Yorktown: what's going on?

Enterprise and Hornet: uh

Yorktown: *takes the remote* if you can't share then I choose the show.

Enterprise and Hornet: fine *walk away*

Yorktown: oh no you don't you're both gonna stay with me.

Enterprise and Hornet: Eh?!

Yorktown: *grabs both of them* well then *turns on TV*

Gardener: *waters plants* now we just wait... and watch it grow.

Enterprise and Hornet: *crying*

End of Flashback

Enterprise: that felt like so long ago

Hornet: yeah, we're so mature now. Well time for (insert show)

Enterprise: No I wanna watch (insert show)

Both: ... *wrestle for the remote*

Yorktown: girls!

Enterprise and Hornet: Wait Yorktown, it's not what it looks like!

Yorktown: well if you insist on fighting then I'll pick the show. *changes the channel*

Meditation teacher: now we close our eyes and take a deep breath.

Enterprise and Hornet: *crying*

Yorktown: you're not as grownup as you think.

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