Chapter Twelve

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When in Sol Pago, Eledorah felt at home amidst people who despised her deformity. Then there was Sepulchre, where she felt oddly accepted in the most hostile environments... But here, in the land of the dragonborn, the realm felt vastly different.

Trees seemed to stretch endlessly towards the sky. Branches reaching out like fingers grasping at the heavens. Land untouched for centuries where the houses of the dragonborn nestled amongst the foliage and vines blended in with the dew-encrusted leaves. Their dwellings were like works of art, crafted from the very trees themselves. Growing seamlessly from the branches and using wooden walls to blend in with the elements.

Each house was unique, its design reflecting the personality and tastes of its inhabitants.

As Ele surveyed the treetop homes, she couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and awe. It was as if she had stepped into a world of fantasy, where the boundaries between nature and civilization blurred into one. A perfect blend of the lands she grew up in without all the hostility.

She stood amidst the towering pines, a silent observer to the whispers of the wind. They had been here three nights without making headway in convincing the dragonborn siblings, Anja and Jehavni, to join them in their battle against the council. Little to no progress had been made in their potential involvement in a war... Until this day.

Despite the beauty of their surroundings, Ele couldn't shake the weight of the impending conflict that hung heavy in the air. Roman may have been right in saying that this place would only act as a distraction. 

As the day wore on, she found herself seated in Anja's treetop abode, surrounded by plush cushions and the warm glow of lantern light. Anja and Jehavni sat opposite her and Roman, their expressions relaxed as they exchanged stories and shared insights into their respective worlds. Conversation flowed easily, punctuated by moments of laughter and contemplation. 

Despite their differences, Ele felt a kinship with the dragonborn siblings. 

She took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts before speaking. "Our time here has been enlightening. I never knew the dragonborn still roamed these lands and thought of it as a second home. In these three days, I feel we... We grew to understand one another." Now she looked to Roman for support, which he gave in a solemn nod of encouragement. "And now I have to ask something. It's a big ask and I'd appreciate it if you took the time to–"

Anja pushed off the floor, turning her back on the gathering to pour herself another cup of tea. She hesitated there and it made Ele stumble over her words before stopping altogether. 

"Jehvani," She turned with the kettle in hand and waved it. "Could you be my savior and get us another pot of sun tea?"

Taking the hint, Jehvani left to fetch more tea, and Anja turned back to them with a scrutinizing gaze. The air in the quaint home grew tense.

Anja's voice broke the silence, "You were saying?"

"I... We appreciate your hospitality and the opportunity to learn more about your people's history and customs. I believe it has brought us closer to understanding one another."

Anja nodded, her expression still guarded. "And what is it that you need to ask?"

Gathering her courage, Ele continued, "It's about a prophecy we learned about recently, written on the walls of a faenix temple... It tells of a darkness that will bring about the end of our world and a savior who will restore the light. We need to reach Sacrupala and convince the satyroids to take a stand against the council, and with your help... We may have a chance."

"You're asking for our help in a battle that has nothing to do with us?" Anja gripped the empty ceramic tea kettle with enough force to shatter it if she so wished. Then, she looked out at the darkening sky that stretched endlessly out on the horizon and realized how this prophecy did affect them. With a sigh, she placed the kettle down on the counter and went back to sit with the pair of strangers in her home.

The Sun's Awakeningजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें