Chapter Seven

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Exhaustion consumed her. 

The weight of the prophecy had taken its toll, and her mind succumbed to the embrace of slumber. And as Ele drifted off to sleep amidst the ancient walls of the temple there was silence for the first time in months. 

In the deep of night, a distant sound roused Ele from her dreams. She blinked her eyes open, momentarily disoriented as she realized where she was. As her senses sharpened, she recognized the sound of approaching footsteps– Someone, or something, was moving through the village.

Curiosity mingled with caution and she decidedly took a peek outside the temple, her eyes adjusting to the dim moonlight that bathed the ruins. There, in the distance, she spotted a figure— a satyroid scout, searching for signs of life or any remnants of the village's inhabitants.

Her heart quickened, a mixture of fear and determination surging through her veins. Summoning the power that lay dormant within her, Ele extended her hand, channeling her energy. Flames flickered to life around her palm, growing in intensity until they formed a swirling ball of fire. The inferno cast an eerie glow across the desolate landscape.

As the satyroid drew nearer, Ele's eyes narrowed, a steely determination replacing any hesitation. She unleashed her power, releasing the vortex of flames in a controlled burst, creating a wall of fire that enveloped him. The intense heat and mesmerizing spectacle sent a clear message: she was not to be trifled with.

The satyroid froze in its tracks, eyes wide with a mix of terror and awe. Ele stepped forward, taking control of her newfound voice laced with animosity. "Who sent you here?"

The scout hesitated, his voice trembling as he responded, "We... we were sent to find survivors."

"We?" Ele's eyes narrowed as she glanced around. 

He nodded, visibly shaken to his core as the flames drew nearer to his body. "There are more searching the surrounding woods. We've been looking for over a day now."

"Looking for survivors from the destruction you caused? Why?" To her, that logic lacked sense.

To torture them.

Mmm, and there they were. Those voices were silenced in the temple but now they fueled her rage with words that held no foundation. Words that had not come from the satyroids lips... But they were enough to make her react.

Ele fought to maintain control, but the darkness tugged at her, threatening to consume her sanity. Before the man had a chance to answer, in a split moment of weakness, the demons took hold and her powers surged uncontrollably. Flames lashed out from the vortex surrounding the satyroid, engulfing him in an instant. His agonized screams filled the night air, drowned out by the crackling of the inferno.

Horror and regret washed over Ele as the flames died down, leaving nothing but charred remains in their wake. She stumbled backward; hands trembling and shallowed breaths wracking her body.

Tears welled in her eyes as she fell to her knees, the weight of her actions crashing upon her. The savior she sought to be had unleashed destruction instead. The demons within her reveled in their victory, their whispers now tainted with perverse satisfaction. 

"The temple..." She murmured as she looked back at it, realizing the sacred walls helped keep the demons at bay. 

Amidst the despair, she pushed off the ground to stumble back to the one place that provided solace. Although she knew that remaining here would be out of the question, at least it helped for the rest of the night. 

Those other scouts may come looking for their friend... All they would find is his charred ashes.

Ele grimaced. 

The Sun's AwakeningOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora