Chapter Five

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Eledorah scrutinized her mate's every move when he entered their chambers that night. With rumors fed to her from numerous sources and a reason to be angry with him from the start, it was difficult to hide her look of disgust. 

Except, in order for him to notice, he'd have to look at her first. 

Kaanan avoided her while he went to the wardrobe to change out of the royal garb that the queen insisted he keep wearing to upkeep the family's image. He came back into the room and continued to ignore her presence. They had much to discuss... Including the task that council tacked onto his personal affairs. 

"Did you eat today?" He questioned to spark conversation. 

Then he looked at her, only because he had to. Just to hear her. 

She neared him, signing slowly to see his eyes track her every movement. 'Yes. Don't you need to feed?'

Ele realized he must have been feeding on someone this entire time. Vampires needed blood to thrive and he was hardly lacking strength. Her jaw stiffened as the mental image of him taking another's vein popped up.

He shifted uncomfortably. "I fed recently."

'Oh? On who?' The sharpness to her motions could only be interpreted as irritation. A feeling that came to surface most of her days. 

"Ele. You didn't expect me to go this long without feeding, did you? The demands of council–"

'To hell with them!'

Now he stiffened. "They're the reason I'm not in jail for the destruction I caused. With their efforts, my family's home was restored and our name saved. Now my siblings can hope for a future, even my mother-"

'Oh, your mother?' Ele rolled her eyes, glad he'd dragged the beloved queen into this argument. 'The woman who only cares about herself? Who will do anything, or anyone, to come out on top?'

These words, this animosity... She knew who festered it. For once, the voices within were not to blame.

Kaanan brought this upon himself after abandoning her. Now he'd be the one left speechless.

'You all sit there in a room, discussing the fates of people actually experiencing the repercussions of your decisions! My people are being slaughtered in neutral territory, and since your mother is queen regent, it's her duty to act! Yet their bodies lay there, gods know how many days it's been and the lot of you haven't done a damned thing!'

He bothered not trying to get a syllable in. Her rant was far from finished.

'Nothing will be done about it! Do you want to know why? Because vampires hate faenixes. That's why there isn't one on council. That's why you never came back for me. If you don't want to bring shame to your family, marry your cousin! I don't enjoy being led on or kept in the shadows, and I refuse to any longer.'

Kaanan waited, listening to her outcry patiently. Each word was absorbed, each complaint taken into account. Just like a proper councilman listening to the cries of the people.

"Done now?" Is all he asked when the tirade ended.

Tired of arguing, she fell to the ground parallel him. Elusive, traitorous tears snuck out of her eyes and Kaanan noticed immediately. When he timidly reached down for her, she sank forward into his arms and allowed them to encase her to ease her sorrows. 

Too easily she fell to his touch. 

'Weak, child. So weak.' The voices tsk'ed. 

She felt them brand her with their shame. The reason for her tears stemmed from that truth... She was weak. The man whose touch she needed to shelter her from facing such crippling instabilities only proved their statement. 

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