Chapter 15/Part 35

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Corinne looked at the fae. "I know how you are with the corpses, Dr. Morris, but—"

"Just stay with her," Gordon said.

He dropped his gloves in the trash as he stormed out of the morgue. He did not usually talk down to his interns like that, especially not Corinne. I shouldn't be thinking of Paula this much.

That familiarity of his office was immediately soothing, but even as he rounded the desk and sat, grabbing his phone from the charging station, he found himself wanting to call Adler first, Adler who had slept next to him, all warm and safe, and—

Gordon reached for his phone, nearly toppling the Kawaii Demon Hunter charging station, and called Maxim.

"Oh, hello, Gordon. What can I do for you? How was your night?" the hunter asked lightly.

Gordon closed his eyes and eased his breathing. "I'm calling because of today's first corpse."

"I know for a fact that's not Adler, and I'm already feeling sorry that you're calling me about the dead, Gordon."

"Maxim, this is a fae girl, and she was murdered. Strangulation. Going by the hand print on her neck, by this Ripper copycat."

Maxim fell silent. It was uncharacteristic. It was creepy. Then, "You don't say. What's her name?"

"Linda Finch." Gordon recited the name from memory. He didn't always address his guests by their name when they were on his table, but he always knew. It was just common courtesy in his line of work, or so he thought.

"Ill begotten fortunes," Maxim said.

"What now?"

"We are looking for a fae. Her name is Gloria. Glory to her friends."

"What do you mean, you are looking... wait, you are looking for another fae?"

"Yes. A coed from NAU."

"Oh, no," Gordon said.

"Indeed. Gordon, please finish your work on Linda. I will join you when I can. I need to find Gloria first."

Gordon rubbed the back of his neck. "Good luck Maxim. I'll do what I can here."

He hung up. Yeah, I'll do what I can, but it isn't all that much, is it?

More than before, Gordon felt tempted to call Adler. He wasn't sure he should, wasn't sure he shouldn't. In the end, he settled for a text.

Heads up. Got a case, a murdered fae. Going by the evidence, she was murdered by this Ripper copycat. Maxim is aware, but is looking for a missing fae too. Just thought you should know.

He hit send and put the phone back on its charging station, then went to work.

[A/N: Are you enjoying Gordon and Adler? If you'd like more of them, you can read ahead on my Ream!]

[A/N: Are you enjoying Gordon and Adler? If you'd like more of them, you can read ahead on my Ream!]

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