Chapter 10 - Fools' Idyll

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Suguna drew one card from the deck and then laid down the final communal card: the ace of hearts.
-"I have a flush! Perfect, victory is assured" - thought the green-eyed one. His excitement was sensed by Orine. She shook her head and leaned back slightly in her chair.
- "He's too easy to read. If I noticed it, Suguna probably saw through him after the second round of betting" - she thought to herself, understanding they don't stand a chance in this cunning game.
- Documents? I thought you already received your badges - the doctor remarked, glancing at the badge pinned to the lapel of the charming young man's jacket.
- How is it possible that a simple brooche, which anyone can forge, equates to a paper document containing a trace of Reiki? - Daichi questioned as he was confused by her statement.
- I don't give out jewelry for free. This kamon is specific - Suguna replied, clearly mocking Daichi's earlier statement about the rapier.
- What's so special about it?
- Remember what I said on the beach - Suguna replied cryptically, unwilling to give him a direct answer. She wanted him to draw conclusions based on the knowledge she had imparted to them.
- "Doctor Suguna said that the kamon gives us membership in a group... if the trace of Reiki is the most important factor, then it would mean that the kamon also possesses one, but why would it be more important than an official document? This emblem gives us membership in a group, but we are neither mercenaries nor craft masters" - the chaotic jumble of the man's thoughts prevented him from uncovering the truth.
- I raise by 500 - Daichi announced, hoping to buy more time to formulate his response.
- "He's overthinking it. The answer is much simpler. He probably already knows it, but he thinks it's something complicated" - Suguna thought to herself.
- "It's time to strike" - the short man thought, preparing his chips for betting. - I raise by 1250 - he declared with a glint in his eye.
The eldest turned her gaze to the young man.
- Well, well, who would have thought you'd play so aggressively at the very end. Were you waiting for the right moment, or is it just pure luck? - she asked with a smile, resting her right elbow on the table. - "At the very least, he has a flush, otherwise, he wouldn't be betting so high... If winning mattered to me, I would have folded earlier, probably before Orine, but I don't want to end this game until I finish my chat with this boy" - she added in her thoughts, glancing at the purple-eyed one.
- You'll find out soon enough - the curly-haired man replied. His tone of voice exuded confidence and calmness.
- In that case, I'll check - Suguna said, elegantly crossing her legs.
- "There's no more time for deliberation. I have to answer now, otherwise the discussion will end the same way as before" - the charming young man wasn't sure about the accuracy of his conclusions, but he decided to rely on the strength of his intuition.

- The kamon gives us membership in a group, it contains trace amounts of Reiki, but it's not just ordinary energy. It's the Reiki trace of the founders of the association, or the majority of them... You mentioned that most people, upon seeing this symbol, will adopt a hostile attitude towards its owners. Although such groups should be associated with mercenaries, I think Katengecchi is one of the exceptions. Moreover, Orine's parents have the same emblems, and I don't think they're involved in mercenary work. I suspect that Katengecchi is a famous group on the mainland, which is disliked by the majority in power. It's possible that it's a kind of opposition, which would explain the absence of Orine's parents in her life... in conclusion, the kamon is our badge, but the risk of owning this item far outweighs the positives. Check.
The chairman's conclusion pleased the doctor. She squinted slightly, glanced at her niece, then returned her gaze to the man.
- Surprisingly good shot -she replied with audible approval.
The Elegant wanted to inquire about which pieces of information he deduced correctly, but he decided to wait, not wanting to expose his uncertainty further.
- Show your cards, let's see who won this round - she declared, picking up her cards.
The three players revealed their hands. Hiro looked first at the woman's cards.
- "Oh, damn it, she also has a flush... but it's just an eight and a seven, my cards are worth more" - he thought, then turned his gaze to the cards of the man with glasses. - "Jack of hearts and two of clubs? Why did he bet with such a hand? He only has a pair of twos - he glanced at his own cards again. - "So this is what famous conversations on the mainland look like, if we were playing for money, we'd be broke after one conversation... Oh well, let's see what the dealer decides."

In a situation where two players have the same hand, the highest card in the set decides the winner. However, due to his lack of knowledge, Hiro overlooked a significant fact. Suguna whistled at the sight of the green-eyed boy's cards, while the chairman's cards didn't elicit any reaction from her.
- Hiro wins this round - she announced, pointing to the boy.
Upon hearing the verdict, Hiro felt elated, evident from his wide smile.
- A royal flush - Daichi exclaimed, moved.
- A royal flush? - Hiro asked, puzzled, having no idea what that hand meant.
- A royal flush is a hand of cards starting from an ace up to a ten in the same suit. You managed to get a royal flush in hearts - Orine replied, equally surprised by the turn of events as the chairman.
- A royal flush is an extremely rare hand in poker. I've played many times, but I've never seen this hand before, even if others cheated - the eldest said, crossing her arms.
- I didn't expect that myself, I thought I had a flush...
Upon hearing his statement, the doctor burst into laughter.
- I knew you weren't familiar with poker, it was obvious, but I didn't expect you to be this clueless - she said, clutching her stomach, unable to contain herself.
- I only know pairs and flushes, the rest is a mystery to me - Hiro replied, embarrassed, lowering his gaze.
- Once we gather the cards, I'll explain all the hands to you - the man with glasses announced.
- Thank you - Hiro replied.
Suguna stifled her laughter and wiped away tears with her index finger. She collected all the cards and then handed them to Daichi.
- You're always good fun... Returning to your statement, you're mostly right. Katengecchi is a well-known organization, but only among high-ranking people. Your emblems are like those paper permits, but unfortunately, they don't grant as much freedom as I have or as a group of mercenaries. You'll likely face an interrogation, and only then will the appropriate authority issue you permits.
- Couldn't someone just steal such an emblem?
- They could, but it would be like taking a toaster into a bathtub full of water - the woman's comment received no response from the elegant man. - In short, you can't just take an emblem without permission. You can wear these badges, because they are connected to your Reiki.
- Does that mean we couldn't trade them?
- Exactly, each badge is individual.
- Thank you for your answer. I have one more question for you.
- Go ahead.
- Do you know the symbol of the crescent moon? - he reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a small notebook. He had a ribbon marking a certain page. The chairman opened the notebook and showed the emblem drawing that Hiro had made. He didn't expect to get an answer, but as someone familiar with the mainland, she might know something, although he wasn't sure if the woman knew the answer, she would want to give it.
The doctor leaned forward slightly, carefully examining the drawing.
- I have no idea what this is. By the way, who drew this? Hiro?
- Yes, why do you ask? - Orine questioned, seeing no point in her aunt's comment.
- Just curious,the drawing is a bit wonky - she replied, raising the corner of her mouth.
- "I didn't sense any lies from her. Perhaps it's some secret organization, but I can't rule out that she's lying" - the chairman thought, deciding it was the perfect time to end the conversation. He had no more questions in mind that he could ask.
- How did you all like the first formal conversation? - the golden-eyed woman asked everyone.
- How much money do you have to afford such conversations? - a bewildered Hiro exclaimed, wondering where they would get the money for such games.
- Doctors aren't doing too bad, especially those with a reputation - she replied, winking at the man.
Upon hearing the doctor's response, the boy rested his chin on his left hand.
- Don't be too down. I just like gambling, but if you're clever, you can handle things in a different way - she said, smiling broadly.
- I hope I find another way, otherwise, instead of looking for my sister, I'll end up homeless.
- You're so sweet.
- Shall we continue playing? - the impatient blue-eyed girl asked.
- As you wish, my dear - the woman replied, nodding in approval.
- Well, then I'll show you all the hands now - the chairman announced, taking again his deck of cards.
Elegant taught the short boy the hierarchy of poker hands and explained which cards make up each variant. The boy seemed confused by the amount of information, but he seemed to understand the knowledge conveyed to him. He sincerely thanked Daichi, who then handed the cards to Orine.

MonotsukiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora