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Finally entering Spring Hill, Lily started guiding Matt to her house. They had enjoyed continuing their game of 21 Questions but had put it to a halt when they saw that Nick was waking up in the backseat. Not that they minded someone else being awake, but this little exchange of questions had been for them only so they smoothly changed the subject to include the oldest triplet in a conversation. As Lily announced the last turn of the day, she also asked Nick to wake Chris and Alex next to him. How were they able to sleep so deeply until the very last moment of the car ride was crazy to Lily and Matt, probably a driver thing.

"Oh my god, I had missed this sight!" Alex exclaimed as she barely needed two seconds before being back to her usual energetic self. "Can't wait to see my child!"

"Your wha–" Chris asked, dumbfounded.

"My child, my baby?" Alex clarified before sighing. "Our cat, Christopher. I mean our cat."

"Oh, yeah..." He nodded as they were leaving the car.

"May I remind you that he's not there though?" Lily wanted to make sure that her best friend remembered that they hadn't left their poor cat alone for an entire week. "I texted Lucas to tell him we were back and that I'd get him tomorrow morning."

"Nooo", Alex dramatically gasped. "Can't we go get him tonight? I missed him so much..."

"You don't think I did too?" Lily could have been believed to be tired of Alex's antics, but she honestly felt the same as her. "If you want, try and ask Lucas to change to tonight but then you'll have to convince me to drive to his house and it has a price."


The triplets had carefully watched the exchange and were amused by the girls' dynamic. It reminded them of themselves as behind the banter, it was clear that they dearly loved each other and had a special bond – even clearer when they remember that the girls had been living together for a while already and were therefore like an old married couple.
As Chris once again helped carry the suitcases to the house, Lily was opening the door and Alex hadn't hesitated one second before pulling out her phone to call Lucas – it would be quicker than a text. Nick and Matt followed behind while carrying everyone's backpacks so that they wouldn't have to make another journey between the car and the house. After Lily had instructed the triplets to just put the luggage near the door, Alex came back inside with the result of her call.

"He said yes! He honestly doesn't mind when we come because our baby is an angel but if we want, we can get him today."

Lily sighed as she already knew that Lucas would agree – he certainly was excited to see one of the girls again. However, as Lily turned to Alex with a raised eyebrow, the blonde understood that she still had to convince her best friend.

"Hmm, I have no idea how to convince you right now but I can offer you a voucher?"

"A voucher?" Lily repeated, unsure of how this would work. "For what?"

"Anything! You'll get a favour, no matter how crazy it is and I have no choice but to accept it."

Lily had to admit that it was enticing. Alex was someone who valued her time and the people she would use it for so this was something that Lily could keep in mind for a day when she would need Alex.

"You know," Nick joined in as he and his brothers had been half-listening. "If Chris or Matt offered this to me, I'd never refuse because who knows what you could need one day."

"True, true." Lily nodded, deep in thought. "Alex, thank Nick because he made me agree on this. You can never back down because I have witnesses."

"YES!" Alex exclaimed as she was delighted to have succeeded in her mission.

21 Questions | Matt SturnioloOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora