07. (1)

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"Your boyfriend texted!" Alex called for her best friend who was in the kitchen, as the phone lit up from a message from Matt🍂.

"My hands are full of batter girl, just tell me what he says and maybe reply for me if it looks important", Lily replied as she was cooking. "And drop the boy in front of friend, unless you put a fucking space between the words.

As she used her fingerprint to unlock Lily's phone, Alex looked at the notification – she didn't want to actually open the message in case it could wait, fearing that she might leave the boy on read. She had been joking for the past month about Lily and her new friend's relationship since she discovered that he went out of his way to send a picture to Lily. This had been enough proof for Alex to start teasing her best friend about a possible romance – pretty pictures of the sky were in fact Lily's love language. Both girls did know it was just for fun, the same way they would qualify famous people as theirs when it was their ultimate celebrity crush.

Furrowing her brows at the phone in front of her, Alex didn't know whether to qualify the text as important or not.


If I asked you to hide a body for me, would you?

Alex went to the kitchen where Lily was and read her the text, which led to the brunette letting out a laugh.

"Oh my god this kid I swear to god". Lily couldn't stop laughing as she thought about an answer. "This sounds semi important lol but just tell him that of course I am always down to hide a body, I know a few tricks."

Alex laughed as well – more to her friend's reply than the actual subject – and wrote back a message, trying to imitate Lily's writing style. The two girls influenced each other a lot regarding their texting habits and the way they spoke, thus making it easy for Alex to fake it. Before sending it, she thought it could be funny to actually hold a conversation with the mystery guy as she had only heard about him and still needed to check if he was a good person for Lily.


If I asked you to hide a body for me, would you?

Heya, your girl's bestie here
Obviously she would
Dw ab it

Thanks for the reassurance haha
You're the famous Alex?

I am, yes💃🏻
Glad to know I'm known even in whatever state you're in
I'm here to check if you're legit bro

Check all you want
I like to think I'm a good person

You did ask help to bury a body
This doesn't help your case

According to you, your "bestie" would help my case

Nice one
Ig talking for a couple of months led to you guys knowing each other

Yeah, it's fun getting to know Lily
She's really kind and we get along well :)

Friendship test then
You ready for it?

Go ahead

Simple questions to see if you deserve the honour of taking her time
Her favourite colour?

I know this one
It's purple
But she told me she actually doesn't have lots of purple things in her life, mostly blue

Wow bonus points

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