18. (3)

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While Alex was talking with Chris and reminiscing about their victory together, Lily found herself in a conversation with Mary Lou whom she thought was the sweetest woman ever. After Matt, well Nick in all honesty, had introduced her to his mum – a bold move from him to have her meet him AND his whole family at the same time, Mary Lou immediately shooed her son away as she wanted to properly get to know his new friend. This is why Matt was currently with his brothers Justin and Nick. The two oldest were discussing what they could do the next day around the city, which Matt was half listening to as he was stressed regarding what his mum and friend – friend? Acquaintance? More than that? Less? Yeah, friend is good – were talking about. However, as he dared to glance in their direction, Matt found Lily's eyes already on him. She quickly diverted her gaze back to Mary Lou but as she still felt observed, Lily looked back to Matt. They then shared a soft smile across the room and as if it was magic, both were suddenly feeling at ease and fell back to their respective conversation. They'd only had a two second interaction as the Matt and Lily they both knew, but it was like they were turning back into their usual selves when they would text each other.

"You do know you guys are kinda obvious, right?" Justin asked his younger brother.

"Wha– what do you mean?" Matt was confused, although he somehow already knew what this was about.

"Matt come on", Nick sighed as he dragged out his brother's name's vowel. "I'm pretty sure you didn't listen to what we've been saying because you're only thinking about her."

"And looking at her like a lost puppy", Justin added. "She should be the one panicking, yet here you are."

"I don't look at Lily like a lost puppy..." Matt mumbled. "Just making sure Mum isn't overwhelming her. Can't believe she gets to talk to her before me, she's my friend!"

"A friend who probably made her live the most stressful experience ever," Nick retorted. "I think today was confusing for everyone so let her breathe for a minute and you can go talk to her after."

Matt and Justin agreed with the blonde, then tried to trust their mum to make Lily feel better.
Speaking of the devil, the girl was actually enjoying her conversation with Mary Lou, who was telling her about Boston life.

"It sounds great, I hope to go there one day."

"Maybe if my son keeps you in his life – which I would be glad about, you'll have the opportunity to travel there". Mary Lou said as she put on her kindest smile.

"Yeah, I hope he does too." Lily replied with some awkwardness in her voice. "It's still weird to me that he was the one I was texting this whole time, but I really want us to become friends in person now. Not that I want to take advantage of him simply because I know who he actually is of course, please don't think bad of me! But, I–"

"No worries my dear, if Matt trusted you enough to reveal himself to you, then I trust you as well". The woman reassured the girl sitting next to her. "He's a good boy, so please take care of him."

"I– yeah I will, I'll do my best to make this friendship work".

The two exchanged a smile and kept talking about their respective lives: Mary Lou telling Lily about her and Jimmy while Lily told Mary Lou about the café she was working at with Alex.
They had been talking for a good dozen of minutes until Matt – who had been motivated by his brothers – finally decided to join them.

"Hi", he waved again at Lily – seems like it was his current go-to move when feeling nervous. "Mum, I'm gonna steal her from you – if that's ok with you Lily obviously – because we need to talk now."

Mary Lou kindly agreed and nudged Lily to stand up. As the girl was expecting the conversation to start now, she was actually surprised when Matt asked her to follow him outside. They both left the room under everyone's curious stare and Matt took her elsewhere in the venue in order to be far enough for anyone who could walk by. When he found what seemed like a good spot, Matt looked back at Lily to silently ask her if it was ok. As she nodded, he opened the door and they were now on a balcony that was overlooking the parking lot behind the venue.

"Sorry, it looks kinda sketchy but I'll feel better with some fresh air."

"No yeah, I get it." Lily agreed with Matt. "I think I needed it too."

"So..." Matt started as he was fidgeting while leaning on the railing.

"Yep..." Lily whispered as she was doing the same awkward movements.

None of them felt like holding eye contact as they were both extremely nervous. Knowing that he was responsible for all of this, Matt eventually started talking:

"Ok first, I have to apologise for everything. I put you in a very uncomfortable situation and it was a shit move."

"It's okay... Well it was not completely ok but I understand where you come from so I can forgive you." Lily smiled at Matt as she was feeling less awkward now that they were actually talking about it. "Never forgiving you for not liking sushi though."

"Damn," Matt let out a laugh at that. "Can't believe you still hold that against me."

"Yep, always I guess..." Lily chuckled too and let a now semi-comfortable silence start until she interrupted it with the most important question. "How long have you known?"


"Since when have you known it was me like– I was me?"

"Oh, well... when you posted those pictures," Matt explained. "I was ninety-nine percent sure of you coming to our shows and the last percent was when I texted you."

"Ok ok," Lily nodded. "And your first reflex was to make me come to another one?"

"It seems weird but yeah actually," Matt confirmed as he was actually surprised of himself being so honest. "I was a bit in denial at first because it felt crazy that the person I'm texting is literally a fan – although you are my friend first and foremost – but when I talked about it to Nick and Chris, the first thing that popped into my brain when we agreed that you were Lily was that I needed to meet you again, but properly this time."

"I'm glad you thought that because I wanted us to eventually meet and I'm happy it's you."

"Yeah?" Matt asked as he felt relieved that Lily wasn't hating him.

"Yeah, it's just sooner than expected but in a good way. I'm grateful for our friendship Matt."

"I'm grateful for that too Lily." Matt had a soft smile on his face. "You wanna come back to everyone else now?"

"Hmm," Lily hesitated. "Can we stay here a bit longer? Just the two of us...?"

"Yeah, okay." He agreed. "We can do that, fine by me."

Basking in the silence, the two newly acquainted friends were enjoying this moment of peace. It would be the first one of many, but for now, it felt like a necessity to take their time as they were now slowly starting to navigate their friendship.


Thank you for reading. Votes and comments are always appreciated if you like this story :)

The story is co written w little_grapejuice

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