15. (2)

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While the three girls were waiting to go on stage, the triplets had come to see them and explain the structure of the show before they left to announce the popular vote – which Matt won once again. Then, Nick introduced each teammate and it was finally time for the girls to appear. As Alex walked on stage towards Chris, she tried to find Lily in the crows as a way to get some moral support. The blonde quickly found her best friend who gave her the biggest smile ever, which Alex reciprocated with a wave. Now that everyone was on stage, Nick explained the rule of the first activity:

"So here's what we're gonna do. Every teammate is gonna paint their triplet, no matter if it's us right now or last week or whenever, you just gotta make it look like us."

Alex and the two other girls agreed, then got ready as they would try to paint the triplet they were with during the next two minutes.

"I hope you make me look good, I saw what you can paint". Chris said to Alex as he believed in her.

"Brooo, so much pressure right now." Alex tried to focus on the canva in front of her. "What I painted for you guys was me alone in a room for hours so I won't do as good."

"It's okay, I'll be proud no matter the result don't worry!"

Alex was feeling more relaxed as Chris was very supportive, which increased her motivation to win this round. She had decided to paint Chris as he currently was: wearing the crown and the orange hoodie. It seems that Chris was right to believe in her skills because she enabled their team to get the most cheers and therefore win the painting activity – which led to Lily screaming the loudest she could for her best friend. Chris and Matt were now tied with one point each as the game of trivia was about to start.

Stools were brought on stage and each team sat down with a small whiteboard.

"You got this babe!" Lily shamelessly shouted as there was a brief silence.

Alex chuckled and thanked Lily with a huge smile as she waved back at her.

"Damn, you're not supposed to support them when you're wearing my colour." Matt chimed in as he recognised Alex's friend.

This small exchange led to everyone in the venue laughing until Nick tried to shush the crowd before giving the signal for the questions to start being asked. From the origin of Halloween to the weight of the world's biggest pumpkin, Chris and Alex were doing pretty good as they had gained three points thanks to the girl. Indeed, the blonde had based half of their answer on Lily, which had made Chris laugh every time – "Lily has a white car so it must be the answer" and "Lily has brown eyes so she proves our point". Not that he was mocking Alex, but he was admirative of their bond and the support the girls gave each other.

It was now time for the last question as they were asked for the numbers of stars on the Walk of Fame.

"Eh, how would I know?" Alex wondered out loud.

"Don't you have an idea? A rough number at least?" Chris asked the girl as he didn't have any.

"Bro, I live on the other side of the country like– I don't know but a lot I guess..."

"Hmm", Chris tried to think. "How do we feel about a thousand?"

"Let's go with that, should be kinda close I hope." Alex agreed with her teammate.

As the timer stopped, Matt said five hundred stars, Nick said seven hundreds and sixty while Chris said a thousand. Turns out that even a thousand was not "kinda close" as there are actually two thousand seven hundred and fifty-two stars on the Walk of Fame. The trivia activity had now come to an end and it was time to play basketball.

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