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Lily was comfortably sitting next to a tired Alex on their cosy couch while Bernard, their cat, had claimed a spot between them and was contentedly purring as he stretched out lazily.

As she was looking at recent pictures she took , Lily's phone buzzed with a message from her friend Matt.


If you're free to play right now I am

"Who is texting you at such a late hour?" Alex asked, sleepily.

"Matt, so I can play Fortnite with him".

"This late? Aren't you tired after today?" Although Alex was concerned for her friend, she couldn't help the small smile as she thought about how Matt seemed to often be the subject of discussion lately.

"I guess I am," Lily sighed. "But if I don't play tonight, we'll have to reschedule since we are both always busy. And I really wanna play with him."

"I understand. If you really want to, go play but don't sleep too late. You haven't been sleeping a lot recently."

"Yeah don't worry," Lily reassured her friend. "In any case, I know I cannot really last more than an hour so I'll sleep soon enough."

"Okayy, then enjoy your game and good night".

"Good night as well, love you", Lily replied as she quickly held Alex's hand to emphasise the last part of her sentence.

"Love you too".

The two girls both made their way back to the comfort of their rooms. Excitement bubbled within Lily as she eagerly headed towards her laptop that was on the bed, anticipating a thrilling session of Fortnite with Matt.


If you're free to play right now I am

Yup i am :)

I'm just warning you that i'm a bit tired so I won't be able to play too long sorry

We can always postpone it you know
It doesn't bother me

No dw, I want to

So what's your user?


Just added you


That's me

Can we use vocal chat to communicate?
I think it would be more practical than typing and playing at the same time
Only if you're comfortable with it ofc, if not we can always type in the chat


What if you know me?💀

If you recognise my voice, no you don't

Yeah sure it's not a problem

Okay gonna active the mic

"Yeah I do hear you", Matt said as Lily had just asked if her mic check was good.

"Great, just send a request so I can join your group."

"Done," Matt briefly notified her, not wanting to talk too much.

"Yep, I see it. Where do you wanna drop?" Lily questioned while she was looking at the map.

21 Questions | Matt SturnioloHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin