The Elliot Banks Incident

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It started out normally, me and Jasper had made it up the stairs to Damian's apartment and saw that Damian was standing outside of his door, covered in black paint. Even his hair was covered in the shit.

"What the hell?! Did you do this?" Jasper asked him and Damian's jaw tightened.

"Elliot Banks," he seethed and we understood what likely happened. He opened the door in silence and entered the apartment as Scarlet's bedroom door opened. She walked out in clothes covered in paint blotches with a cup full of brushes in her hand. She noticed Jasper and I walking in and smiled, then watched her head turn to Damian and her smile fell.

"What the fuck?! Did you-?"

"Elliot Banks, said since I like to paint my nails black he should do me a favor and paint the rest of me," Damian explained again and Scarlet's plastic cup cracked from her grip. Her eyes narrowed and her jaw tightened. I watched her take a deep breath and approach Damian with love.

"How about you take a shower and we can get you some new clothes later okay?" She said and Damian nodded sadly and shuffled to the bathroom. She waited for the door to shut before her expression changed again.

"Jasper, you stay here and make sure he's okay, Zander, you're coming with me," she ordered and set her painting stuff down then returned to her room. She came back out as Jasper sat down and turned on the TV. She wore jean shorts and a halter top.

"DAMIAN! Sweetheart, me and Zander are stepping out to get some supplies, let me know if you want anything while we're out," Scarlet said to the bathroom door.

"Okay!" Damian's voice said and Scarlet nodded, then went into August's room and came out with a gun and a silencer.

"Woe what the fuck is that?" I asked and Scarlet didn't even answer before tucking it into her backpack. I kept asking questions but Scarlet wouldn't say anything. Even on the bus, and to the west side of the city where we got off. Scarlet pulled out her phone and made a phone call while we stopped outside of a nice cafe.

"Hey it's Scar, I need you to take some surveillance down at 24th Street down on the west side, address should start with 812," she said and I couldn't hear what the other end of the phone but she didn't say anything for about five minutes. "Yeah, white one, 15 minutes? Damn, thanks,". I heard chatter on the other end and she rolled her eyes. "Yeah yeah I know, something happened with Damian, see you at the rat hole,". She hung up and stretched out her arms before walking away.

"Can I know what's going on now?" I asked as we encroached on a nice white house.

"I'm just going to talk to him, you're there in case he tries anything," she said but I looked at where the gun was in her backpack.

"Is that necessary?" I asked and Scarlet nodded and we came around to the fence of the house.

"It's a scare tactic, here give me a boost," she said and I held out my hands to step on and lifted her above the fence. She leaned over and stretched out her hand for me to take and together we heaved me over the fence.

"How the hell do you know where this guy lives?" I asked and looked around. It was a really nice house, with a nice backyard, and everything looked very clean. Scarlet crotched down and peaked in the window, going around the house and then entering through a side window silently. She left it open for me to crawl in and silently we moved through the house. We heard a noise upstairs and Scarlet motioned me into the kitchen, then opened a door where a set of stairs were revealed.

"Servent flight," she whispered and her eyes flickered and completely changed. She went up the stairs careful not to make a noise. My heart was racing and I realized what she was doing, she was hunting. Her pupils were calm and her breathing was controlled like she HAD to control it, every step was with purpose. This was what Scarlet's rage looked like, trying its best not to burst but shoved down down down and used as fuel. It wasn't hard to find Elliot, in fact, there was a mini living room upstairs and he was there alone drinking beer on the couch that faced away from us. Scarlet got on all fours and inched forward, and being behind her wasn't a bad position to be in. She approached the back of the couch and shot up, covering Elliot's mouth and putting the gun to his head, clicking off the safety.

In The Old City (The Worst Years of Our Lives)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz