"I am chill." 

"John you're literally shaking like your standing outside in 40 below." Smit pointed out. "You sure your good?"

"Mhm, I'm fine." Smii7y didn't need to worry about it.

"Your absolutely certain?" Smii7y pressured.

"Yup, I'm fine."

"If you insist."

"I swear Smit, I'm fine." Come on, Smit didn't need to worry about it, he'd get over his fears soon enough.

"Oh shit, their moving on to motorcycles now." Eli pointed out. "You want to stay with John, or do I?"

John completely forgot everyone knew his name now. Well shit.

"I'll stay with John." Smit answered Eli's question. "Go watch with Swagger. Also can I borrow that H2 of Matt's? Just in case, you know since it's over here."

"I'm sure Matt will let you borrow it, he's in the pit anyway so he's a first runner." Eli sighed. "Fucked up on the first race."

"You didn't race this round?" Smii7y asked.

"Nah, I was in the pit last round, and I lost first race too." Eli shook his head.

"Your fucking bad then." Smii7y chuckled. "Imagine being eliminated."

"Oh okay, fuck you then." With that Eli turned to leave. "I'll tell Swag to keep an eye out so we can watch newbies first performance."

"That's sick, thanks Eli!" Smit waved to him.

"Yeah, no probs Smitster." And he was gone.

"Why'd you need Eli to talk to me?" John questioned, a little confused on what Smit was doing, instead of helping his best friend on his bike learn how to race?

"Had to talk to Matt about something, sorry. Actually, I planned on Eli being here the whole time, but what I was doing isn't as important anymore." Smii7y leaned against the back of the bike, which did not have a buddy seat like the other one did, but this didn't surprise John.

"Can you shift it? Like, does it shift into first and second well?" Smii7y angled his helmet to John, and cocked his head to the left. Either he knew what he was doing, or it was habit, whatever it was, it made John love him more, so he wished he'd stop.

"It downshifts, And upshifts to 2nd well, but I didn't even try 3rd yet." John answered honestly, and to be fair, he was still horrified of the rumbling bike under him.

"K, I'll be right back." Smii7y walked off somewhere. John knew they couldn't tune the bike here, and that Smit might think it's a problem elsewhere. He was probably just trying to find someone who brought a stand or something.

Smit didn't take long to return with a stand, as John thought, and someone John didn't recognize. Then again, he knew no one here but Matt, Eli, And Smii7y himself.

"John, turn it off, we're gonna see what the fuck is wrong with this piece of shit." Smii7y huffed.

"I wouldn't say it's a piece of shit, it just needs maintenance." John mumbled, he loved this bike despite how scared he was of it.

John did as he was told, and turned off the bike. He also slid off it, holding it up.

"I'd say you lift up that back tire and spin it, Smit, then your buddy can shift it to third, and we'll see what's happening." The stranger said.

"I think it's the lever, actually." Smii7y walked around the bike to John, and kicked the kickstand out for him, before looking at the lever.

"I must have fucked it up somewhere, but's it's been doing this for awhile."

"Since you bought it?" The stranger asked.

"I wouldn't have bought a H2R that won't shift." Smii7y's reply was quite snarky.

"What did you do to it then?"

"I. Don't. Know. You've asked that 6 times Grizzy." Why did John always have to learn names this way? "Lift the back tire, would you? John, when he spins the tire, shift the gears. I'll press on the lever."

Sure enough, when they reached 3rd, the bike wouldn't shift anymore.

"John, lets do it again, but shift without the clutch."

"I'll fucking wreak it."

"One problem at a time." Grizzy piped in. "Also I'm getting tired, hurry the fuck up."

With that, John attempted to shift again, this time without the clutch, and witnessed Smit slam on the lever. Sure enough, the once large two, was now a 3, and the bike was successfully in third.

"Holy shit, I thought that wasn't going to do anything." Grizzy let John downshift it, then put it back, safely, on the ground.

"You thought wrong." Smii7y said smugly.

"How did that even work. That against everything literally ever." John sputtered Out, still amazed by Smit's magical properties.

"Now you know what to do." Smit said proudly. "Also, me and Grizzy are going to set this baby on the stand once you get back so it's not a pain in the ass to get back home."

"Sketch fix?"

"You got it."

Thief With A Bike ~ Krii7yWhere stories live. Discover now