39 - USJ Pt. VII

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Toga was not prepared for the horrific scene that she had found when she entered the forest. As she approached the center of the forest the metallic scent of blood was so thick that even Toga began to feel nauseous. The entire center of the forest was missing and dozens of bodies that had been minced and cut apart were scattered and impaled across the debris of sharp wood. At the epicenter of the massacre stood a blonde youth with his katana impaled into Thirteen's chest. With a sadistic smile the blonde teen plunged the katana even further into the hero's chest and only grew more pleasurable hearing the pain gasp from his actions.

"Oh? It looks like a little vampire found her way here, perhaps I spent too much time indulging in myself."

The blonde teen smiled sheepishly as he removed his blade and returned it to its sheathed in one fluid motion. He eyed Toga with a strange expression, a mixture of hatred and gratitude that sent a shiver down her spine. Seeing her pull out two knives and enter a combative stance he sighed.

"No conversation? Then again I'm running out of time so it's not so bad."

He had barely finished his sentence when a knife nearly embedded itself in his left eye. However as it came within millimeters of piercing into him it was deflected by a silver flash.

"You're better than I thought, I think you might be able to entertain me. Better than Thirteen could at the very least."

Another flash of silver deflected a throwing knife and when the blonde teen looked back up Toga had tossed a glass vial to the ground. He eyed her suspiciously but found nothing different about her. However she disappeared before his very eyes, had it not been for his heightened senses and co,bat experience he would not have been able to keep deflecting the barrage of knives being thrown at him.

"As a genuine question how many damn knives do you have?"

The sound of shattering glass alerted Toga's position and he immediately dashed in its direction while swinging the katana wildly. His blade met a strange sensation as if cutting through a block of viscous gelatin. However that was just the start to his worries as he was suddenly assailed by dozens of invisible attacks. As his blade continued to cut through invisible jello the cuts across his body continued to increase.

"Frost Aura."

The temperature suddenly dropped as a wave of cold burst forth from the blonde teen. Everything within a ten foot radius was frozen, revealing the outlines of several Toga shaped ice sculptures.

"Ah so that's what it was. You used Toru Hagakure's invisibility quirk to hide yourself so I can't see who you're transforming into. Then you used Ectoplasm's quirk to keep me constantly guessing. However you've even gone ahead of that I see, you're using multiple quirks at once while not transforming! A partial transformation because you're taking on multiple quirks so it'll only change the body part needed to activate the quirk! Amazing!"

The blonde teen let out a small laugh before he retracted the coldness he had released back into his body. It liked as if he had shimmered, not quite like he moved bit as if he had disappeared for the briefest moment. Something skin to the momentary darkness that comes when blinking. However the moment he reappeared the Toga ice sculptures were cut into a fine white mist that twinkled beautifully from the finely diced ice shards meeting the light.

"But it's not enough."

Toga's body threw itself to the side before her mine could register what was happening. However it did register the feeling of the cold blade cutting into her back. She involuntarily let out a cry of pain as she stumbled forward and impaled her shoulder onto a frozen branch. Unable to remove her shoulder from the branch she felt the the sharp tip of the katana slowly dig its way into the open wound on her back.

Crimson Empress (FemDekuxToga) Where stories live. Discover now