05 - Blood Makes A Monster

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Explaining how you ended up cuddled next to someone when you woke up is typically a fairly easy tak for most people. However when you've been a traumatic experience together that starts with dying and waking up to having your blood be very seductively sucked out of you can complicate things a bit when trying to explain the situation. Especially when you realize you went all this time without even knowing the other person's name.

Yet somehow despite all that Izumi finished her explanation with a confident, "And so I crawled into bed with you!"


"Izumi, just Izumi."

"Okay Izumi," Toga sighed, "you aren't the least but freaked out at the whole situation? I mean you literally jumped off a building because of a bully, woke up to someone drinking your blood, discovered you had a quirk, got attacked, woke up next to the same person who was drinking your blood, and then decided to cuddle with them because they were having a nightmare?!"

Izumi nodded with a smile, "That's about it Himiko!"

Toga stared at the raven haired girl with a blank expression before she noticed the dullness of her eyes. It was as if there were not a single hint of life within those crimson orbs. It was both painful and reassuring to find someone else whose eyes matched her own. Strange how pain can both being people together and tear others apart.

"I don't really remember much of last night to be honest so I was hoping you could fill me in!" Izumi chuckled nervously while scratching her cheek.

"So you don't remember nearly breaking someone's arm and then nearly choking them to death without even touching them?" Toga's mouth fell open in exasperation.

Izumi's eyes were alight with excitement, "Woah really! I must have gotten my Mother's quirk!"

"Your Mom had a blood quirk?" Toga suddenly interrupted Izumi's musings.

"No she had a Telekinetic quirk," Izumi was confused, "why do you ask about blood?"

"You sort of did all but drink that guy's blood last night..."

Izumi stared at Toga in bewilderment, "I did what?"

"It's a common thing for people with blood quirks," Toga reassured the girl, "it's a craving you get now and again. If you don't satisfy it you'll end up causing yourself a lot of pain."

Izumi tilted her head, "So is that why you were drinking my blood when you woke up?"

Toga looked away in shame, "Sorry. I know it's disgusting and it makes us look like monsters but-"

"Why would we be monsters?"

Toga look back up only to be met with eyes full of concern. She felt Izumi grab her and pull her into a hug.

"Quirks are a gift even if they have life changing aspects that aren't always perfect. Otherwise why would they be named Quirks? Besides if it's blood that makes a monster, I'd much rather be one than someone who can't see past another's Quirk."

The most miraculous thing about humans who share pain is that they are brought together by it and heal each other by sharing that pain with others. Toga had never truly experienced the warmth of another person but she knew that if this is what it felt like then she never wanted to let it go.

"They're adorable Sho! Can we keep them?"


"Well one has no home or speak of and the other's home is basically empty aside from a few personal belongings so it won't be much of an issue regarding moving the two in," Nezu smiled as an excited Hizashi settled in next to a grumpy Aizawa.

Aizawa already knew there was no winning any argument regarding guardianship of the two girls once Hizashi was roped into the issue at hand. He loves kids and since he couldn't have any of his own he was always eager to adopt despite the couple already having a child and multiple "furrbabies" as Hizashi called their cats. For Aizawa the cats were more than enough and Shinso was the rare exception. Adding two more a household with two heroes and a hero in training did not seem too appealing to the insomniac.

Nezu pulled out yet another set of folders and handed them to Hizashi, "Before you get too excited there are a few things you should know about them."

"Himiko Toga will be the more difficult of the two. No doubt some form of trust issues on top of her needs as a holder of a blood quirk." Nezu hummed as he weighed his options.

Hizashi looked a bit confused, "So she's like Sekijiro then? That's not a bad thing, blood quirks are quite rare and Sekijiro can show her the ropes."


Both Nezu and Aizawa looked at Hizashi and realized he failed to understand what it meant to have a blood quirk.

"People with blood quirks have to regularly consume blood or it will cause them immense pain. To the point where if gone on for long enough they may accidentally attack people for blood," Aizawa explained with a sigh.

Nezu smiled bitterly, "Quirks are called quirks not because of the amazing powers they give, but rather the drawbacks that come with those powers. Those drawbacks can be minor inconveniences like Aizawa's dry eye to more dangerous things like my bouts of insanity. It all depends on the type of quirk. Blood Quirks and Mutation Quirks possibly have it the worst because in the eyes of many they will never be anything but monsters."

Hizashi's expression was melancholic before he suddenly smiled brightly, "But that's our jobs as both heroes and parents isn't it? To help them see that they aren't monsters and can be happy as they are!"

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