10 - Family Photo

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Izumi sat next to Nezu in a private training facility and fidgeted with the Quirk Cancelling Collar that she and Toga had decorated to look like a cute choker the previous night. Nezu had given it to her when they found out that she had no way of deactivating her quirk after she had accidentally blew a whole in the wall using Ectoplasm who had scared her when they both went to go get water in the middle of the night. It was dark and all she could see was the red outline of veins running through a body. At the very least she discovered that those were indeed veins and that she could control blood even within another person. However it came at the unfortunate price of having Ectoplasm be thrown through a wall and having to be taken to Recovery Girl for the rest of the month.

"So let's review what we have so far before we begin," Nezu broke Izumi out of her musings and back into the present. "I believe Toga and yourself came up with a name and a few notes regarding your quirk correct?"

Quirk - Progenitor: Allows the user to control control blood

Auxiliary Ability 1 - Crystalization: Allows the user to temporarily crystalize the blood they are controlling, will return to liquid if concentration is broken

"So why Progenitor if I may ask?"

Izumi laughed nervously, "Apparently Himiko said that Progenitors are the leaders or rulers of vampires and have the ability to control all types of blood not just their own."

"Fitting for your Quirk, I'll create a training regiment up until the entrance exams. Originally I was going to have you be recommended but I think it will be better to take the exams to gauge your growth."

Nezu pulled out a box from beneath the desk with a lock on each drawer. He set it before the girl with a sigh and looked at her in the eyes. Gone was the playful and mysterious Principal Izumi had grown close too, now sat a monster that peered into the depths of her soul.

"Izumi," he began, "answer me honestly. Do you remember me?"

It was vague but Izumi had felt like she had known the chimera ever since she had laid eyes on him. It was a bond that even she herself could not quite place like she trusted him or at one point did at the very least. It was hard to put into words. She knew Nezu as if they had known each other their whole lives. Yet they had only met two months ago.

"Do you remember this then?"

It was a photo of Nezu and a small girl with silver hair. Her left eye was covered in an eye patch and an emerald eye filled with wonder sat as it's counterpart. Strangely she was dressed in what appeared to be a hospital gown with the number: "1" printed on her right breast area. Standing behind the two were a woman with forest green hair and emerald eyes and a man who looked almost exactly like the girl with silver hair just without the eye patch. His left eye was a dark crimson and his scowl reminded Izumi of Aizawa. She recognized the woman as her mother but it felt strange to see her face after such a long time.

"Who are the other two?"

"You and your Father."


"You sure whatever you're looking for is in here?"

Toga, Shinso, Aizawa, and Vlad King all stood inside a storage unit that belonged to the blood hero. It was filled with various old tech, suits, and cases of gear that none of the children recognized but didn't dare touch.

"Yeah I think it'll be good for Izumi to take it, her Quirk reminded me I had it. Besides I can't even activate it so might as well try! Aha found it!"

Vlad King yanked out a large black case and nearly dropped it from the weight. With an excited smile of a child going to an amusement park he delicately opened the case. Inside was a red coat with a black bodysuit, a gauntlet of some sort with a strange device attached to it, and a sword that all the males present recognized with audible gasps.

"""The Aramasa!"""

Toga looked at the three strangely and pointed to the sword that was nearly as tall as she was. In fact it looked more like a hulking mass of iron with intricate technology attached than a proper sword. "You guys know this thing?"

The three boys looked at the blonde as if she had shattered their most precious dreams before their very eyes.

"It's the sword of The Bloodedge! THE BLOODEDGE! Only the greatest mercenary to ever live!" Shinso was practically frothing at the mouth from excitement, "He went toe-to-toe with All Might and Stars-N-Stripes at the Jeju Island Raid 10 years ago and won!"

"He retired shortly after and disappeared. How did you get your hands on this?" Aizawa looked nothing like his usual apathetic self and instead looked like a fanboy trying to contain his excitement.

Vlad King had a smug expression, "I won it at a storage unit bid a few years ago. I had it checked and it's the real thing. This is all his gear. I figured that since I had a blood quirk I could use it but I couldn't get it to activate. Seeing Izumi's quirk reminded me I had it so why not have her try it out?"

Toga had long since tuned the boys out and was more interested in the red coat and bodysuit. She picked it up and it was surprisingly heavy like it was made with weighted materials. After running her hands through it's surprisingly soft exterior she found a small pocket with what felt like paper inside. It was a photo of Nezu, a small silver haired child, a woman with green hair who reminded her of Izumi, and a man with silver hair. The photo was well worn and torn in the corner but she could tell that the owner went to great lengths to keep it preserved. She flipped it over delicately and it read: "To remind you of home - Inko Midoriya".


"Thinking about Izumi?" Aizawa walked over when he heard Toga mention the raven haired girl's name.

"No the picture says Inko Midoriya on it," Toga was confused as she handed the photo over to Aizawa.

Aizawa took it and saw the name, "Nezu knew?"

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