28 - Toga/Tsu vs Yayorozu/Tokoyami

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"Dark Shadow spotted Tsuyu on the 5th Floor."

Yaoyorozu nodded as she stealthily made her way through the last section of the 4th Floor. So far it had been around four minutes since the start of the exercise but no one had yet to encounter anyone from the opposite team. The plan was to separate and slowly make their way towards the middle. If anyone found the other team they would notify the other and then it would be a pincer attack. By no means a bad plan. The building blocked majority of the afternoon sun so Dark Shadow had no problems wandering around. Then with Yayorozu's versatility she was able to handle most situations so there were no issues aside from the time limit which forced them to rush.

"Got it, no one else on my end. I assume they've holed up somewhere there then. Be careful for any ambushes."

"I'd worry more about yourself first kero."

Yaoyorozu's back began to glow a faint blue light as a wooden staff shout out towards the direction from the voice. However it simply clattered to the ground without meeting any resistance. The onyx haired girl whipped around and made a small pair of batons but was met with an empty hallway.

"You know a frog's pads let it stick to walls right kero?"

A slimy tongue wrapped around Yayorozu's leg and yanked her to the ground. She fell face first with a pained groan before she was viciously tossed to the wall. A soft clinking sound filled the hallway as a nesting doll rolled into Tsuyu's view.


A piercing ring filled Tsuyu's ears as the word went white. She felt herself fall from the ceiling but instead of meeting the ground something slammed into her abdomen. Tsuyu was thrown against the wall and slid down to the floor with a cry of pain.


Tokoyami stalked the green haired frog girl who was skipping through the hallways without a care. It was strangely difficult to keep up as she continously disappeared around corners and then seemingly appeared around others. He could not help but shake the feeling that it was not him who was following but rather he himself who was being followed. Finally after about a minute Tokoyami watched Tsuyu fling open a door and wander inside, just before it closed he caught a glimpse of the bomb.


A muffled explosion from the floor below shook the building slightly. Yaoyorozu must have made contact with Toga, the one who ranked second in the overall physical examination. Just as Izumi was an unknown variable, Toga was also something the class had yet to gage accurately. No one had seen her quirk in action aside from her friend group and the full extent of her abilities were unknown. But Yaoyorozu was the top scorer amongst the recommendation students, someone equivalent to Izumi as far as the class knew. If she was engaging with Toga and wasn't bothering to do it stealthily it meant she was running into some problems. If Tokoyami was to act he needed to do so in this moment of confusion, even with what little information to go off of.

Dark Shadow burst through the door with a roar and Tokoyami followed close behind him and slid into a fighting stance. However the room was entirely empty with the exception of the cardboard bomb. The two scanned the room cautiously but could scratch their head when they could not see anyone. Tokoyami sent out Dark Shadow to secure the bomb in an ultimately careless move.

"You should be more cautious when you clear a room kero."

A slimy tongue wrapped around Tokoyami's abdomen and he was whipped around the room until Dark Shadow managed to rip the tongue off of the raven headed teen. Tokoyami slid to a stop but was met with a gloved fist he barely managed to dodge by stumbling backwards. His dark eyes met with Tsuyu's own and he felt a shiver run down his spine at the piercing gaze. A mixture of hostility and excitement filled him but he quickly set them aside to dodge the tongue that was launched at him like a spear. It broke through the cement wall and quickly retracted for another attack.

"Don't forget about me!"

Dark Shadow attacked Tsuyu from behind with a clawed hand. Without looking the frog quirk girl raised her arm and it was followed by a silver flash. The sentient shadow recoiled as his clawed hand was sliced open but it quickly regenerated.

"So Dark Shadow does have a solid body and it can regenerate based on how dark it is kero."

Tsuyu stood above Tokoyami and Dark Shadow with a mischievous smile and a small knife in her hand.

"Let's test the limits of his regeneration kero."

The stimulation was a bit too much for the young man and he promptly passed out with Dark Shadow disappearing shortly afterward. Tsuyu smirked and wrapped the capture tape around Tokoyami. A grey sludge began to melt off of Tsuyu and beneath it came Toga with an innocent smile, as if she did not just implicitly threaten to practically torture the sentient quirk.

"Oops hehe... Guess that scared him too much."


The world was still foreign to Tsu; her ears still ringing, the pain in her abdomen and back throbbed, and her eyes had yet to fully recover. However the world was not lost to her entirely. She had learned to tune it out since she was a child otherwise she would be overwhelmed. Still it called out to her in the silence, like an itch in the back of her mind that would not go away.

In front.

Tsu hopped backwards and barely managed to avoid being hit with the staff Yaoyorozu had made earlier.

Left... no.... right side.

Once again Tsu just barely managed to avoid being hit with the staff.

Yaoyorozu hesitated, a normal reaction in this circumstance. Tsu had her eyes closed and was in pain from the expression on her face. Her movements were sloppy and sluggish so the flash grenade was still in effect but yet she was still dodging. Unconsciously Yaoyorozu tapped the staff on the ground and Tsu entered a more defensive stance.

"Wait she's a frog right? So it must be the vibrations!"

Yaoyorozu focused on making as many small nesting dolls as she could and let them clatter to the ground. As expected Tsu panicked and rapidly backed away until she had reached the end of the hallway. However it seemed that her sight had managed to somewhat return by this point and she smirked at the onyx haired girl.

"Forget about me?"

Yaoyorozu felt something hit her in the back of the neck and the world went dark.

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