00 - Prologue (Beginning of Rewrite)

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Not all people are created equal.

At the young age of 4 she had learned the true meaning behind that statement. Status, power, ability, connections, reputation, those were all things you could work towards throughout your life and attain. However genetics, appearence, talent, and countless others were all qualities decided at birth that defined the limitations to which a person could grow. Worst of all, Quirks were decided at birth.

Quirk, a superhuman ability granted to a person from birth and the major deciding factor in a person's life. Those with powerful or flashy Quirks would undoubtedly become amazing heroes or be recognized as major contributiors to Quirk technology and sciences. While those with Quirks considered weak and "Villainous" would be forced to live within the shadows of society. Yet what about those without a Quirk, an ordinary human. To say the least they were even worse off than those with weak Quirks. They were scum that existed to be wiped off the face of the Earth.

Izumi Midoriya knew that facet of truth at the tender age of 4. It had been pounded into her until it had driven her to her very death.



Izumi Midoriya looked down at the floor while trying to hold in her tears as her childhood friend berated her in front of the entire class as soon as the lesson had ended. The ash-blonde boy with crimson eyes in front of her was Katsuki Bakugo whom she had known since they were infants. He hadn't always been a snarky and egotistical maniac who declared he was going to be the number one hero while simultaneously telling everyone to simply die. It all changed when they were both 4 and Izumi had been diagnosed as Quirkless, a powerless child in a world that revolved around superpowers. Katsuki on the other hand had both a powerful and flashy Quirk that matched his personality. He was able to make explosions by gathering his nitroglycerin-like sweat and igniting it using his own body heat. Katsuki was constantly praised by everyone around him about how great he was while Izumi was slowly forgotten. The result was where they currently stood, the two now lost to each other.

"Even if I can't become a hero there's still things I can do to help others Kachan," Izumi whimpered back. "And with support items even I could become a hero!"

Izumi realized she had gotten a bit too excited and raised her voice when she heard Katsuki's group of "friends" snicker and his face turn dark.

His voice dropped into a low growl, "With how much shit comes out of your mouth it's no wonder your mom abandoned you. A quirkless, useless, waste like you, always chasing a pipe dream. I bet she couldn't stand to look at your pathetic face while you go on and on about heroes. Honestly it makes me pity her, having a kid like you."

Izumi couldn't hold back the tears that began to fall at the words from the person she had considered her only friend. No matter how much he physically, mentally, and emotionally hurt her she always believed that they were still friends. That the way he acted was because of the people around him feeding his ego. Yet there he stood and betrayed all her fragile trust with a self satisfied smirk.

"Kachan?" She managed to croak out in disbelief, barely managing to not uncontrollably sob.

"Kachan this! Kachan that!" Katsuki grabbed Izumi by the hair and yanked her up till she was at his eye level and spat in her face, "Grow the hell up Deku. You're nothing."

With those final words Katsuki slammed Izumi into the wall and placed the palm of his hand onto her stomach. She could feel the dampness from the amount of sweat and knew what was about to happen. First came the sudden heat that seared into her clothes, then the light crackling that began to burn into her flesh, and finally the muffled explosion that felt as if a burning train had rammed into her gut. The pain was so great that she almost blacked out immeaditely if not for the sudden impact of her leg hitting the floor at an awkward angle and an audible cracking noise. Izumi watched as Katsuki began to walk away without a word as she struggled to breathe.

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