33 - USJ

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The bus ride to the new hero training site was bustling with excitement as the students of 1A chatted with one another. Some were trying to decipher where they were going while others were talking about various topics.

"Izumi there's something I've been wanting to ask you but keep forgetting too kero."

"What's up Tsu?"

"How did you and Toga meet?"

Izumi suddenly began to shift nervously within Toga's embrace, the two had started cuddling as soon as they sat down much to Izumi's embarrassment. It was a sensitive topic and she wasn't quite sure how to navigate telling others much less with Bakugo listening in. He was currently feigning boredom but she could tell he was interested. She looked to Toga who gave her a sympathic smile and comforting nod.

"I awakened my quirk after Himi drank my blood."

Mina and Toru, if they could see Toru's facial expression, jaw's dropped while Ochaco, Jiro, and Tsu had the most shocked expressions Izumi had ever seen. The rest of the class had either shocked expressions or some form of mild concern and disgust.

"Izu's blood is really sweet. Kind of like vanilla ice cream. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy! Oh hey I never asked you what does my blood taste like?"

Izumi's face turned red and the atmosphere became a bit awkward in the bus. It felt like a very intimate conversation as the class's imaginations ran wild.

"Like strawberries...."

Jiro started coughing as she chocked on her spit which broke the awkward tension in the bus. She would never admit it but the walls in the dorms were not sufficiently sound proofed so she could hear everything. That included when Toga and Izumi occasionally talked in their sleep. Now she knew why she always heard the word "strawberries".

Mina casually waved to get Toga's attention and gestured towards Izumi with an expression the girl in question didn't quite know how to read. However it seemed that Toga, Mina, Toru, and Tsu were having an unspoken conversation. Jiro looked like she knew what they were glaring at each other for while Ochaco was engaged in a conversation with Aoyama and Yaoyorozu. Finally it seemed the girls finished their silent battle that ended in Toga's loss and she shifted so that Izumi had to look up to her.

"Hey Izu can we talk after the class is over?"

"Sure! What about though?"

"There's something I've been meaning to ask you about but it can wait a bit longer."

"Alright you brats we've arrived so enough messing around and get ready."


Ochaco's eyes went wide when she stepped off the bus and saw a figure in a space suit standing in front of a large dome. It was Thirteen, the rescue hero known for her expertise in disaster recovery operations, and Ochaco's inspiration for her own suit. After all both of their quirks could be considered space themed.

"Hello students, you may or may not know me but ,you name is Thirteen! I'm a hero who specializes in rescue operations. Your wonderful teacher has asked me to help train you guys in the new and improved USJ!"

""""""UNIVERSAL STUDIOS JAPAN???!!!!!!!!"""""""

"No as much fun as that would be this place is the Unforseen Simulation Joint, I can see the confusion though. Let's go inside and I'll explain what we'll be doing today."

The interior of the USJ was much larger than anyone in the class had anticipated. It was separated into several distinct locations that were often common in rescue and disaster operations. A landslide area, a mass fire within a city district, a mountainous terrain area, a forest area, and a shipwreck zone. Most of the zones also doubled as other areas such as the landslide area could become an earthquake zone, however it took a few days to change each zones function so the class would get to try out exercises with each one slowly.

"While there are many types of heroes the job of heroes active in the field comes down to two roles. Apprehending and subjugation of criminals and villains; and rescuing civilians. I created this place to help train you to use your quirks to help save lives. Whether you understand it or not every single one of our quirks is dangerous enough to harm and potentially kill a person. Take my black hole for example, I use it to clear debris but it could easily suck in a person and reduce them to dust. As heroes we must understand that we need to have the discipline to use our quirks for the sake of the protection of others and not to harm them. Do you understand?"

The class gave nods of approval at Thirteen's solem words of warning and wisdom. Izumi silently gave the hero her approval and respect.

"All right with that let's start dividing up the class I to groups to head to each zone. Aizawa and myself will be going around and advising you guys during the exercises so don't worry if you have questions or need help just call out and we'll be there."

"Thirteen is that black thing some kind of special zone?"

Kirishima pointed to the dome where a plaza had been constructed , it's purpose was a meeting point and resting area for those within the USJ. However there was a inky pool of darkness that began to spread in front of the fountain that had been placed there. From within the inky darkness came dozens of figures who could only be described as generic villains. Yet at the helm of them were four oppressive figures. The one standing in the middle was a tall lanky man covered in severed hands. To his left was a mass of dark purple mist wearing a classy bartenders uniform. Beside the misty bartender was a youth with blonde hair who wore a striking blue overcoat. To the right of the ,an covered in hands was a humanoid creature with a grotesque mutated head with its brain exposed. The creature had a build that could compare to All Might and radiated so much bloodlust that even Izumi could tell it was perhaps just as strong as the titan himself.

"Woah you even got fake villains, manly!"

"Those aren't fake villains Kirishima. Thirteen evacuate the students."

Aizawa readied himself by putting on his goggles and loosening the capture scarf around his neck.

"I don't think I can allow that Eraserhead, or perhaps you would prefer Shota Aizawa?"

The misty bartender who had been at the plaza a moment before was suddenly standing behind the group.

"I'm afraid I must ask you all to stay here until our goal is complete."

Crimson Empress (FemDekuxToga) Where stories live. Discover now