06 - Moving In

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Aizawa wasn't entirely surprised with Nezu's proposition to create a dormitory system on U.A.'s campus. He had many connections in the underworld due to his line of work and with the current rise of criminals en masse in organized groups it was a good idea. A way to protect the future of heroes without too much intervention into their personal lives. What Aizawa was currently surprised about was the fact that he himself would be the one testing out this new dormitory system along with the other faculty and staff as well as their own families. It was an eight month trial period and the results would be looked over after the entrance exams. The rational side of Aizawa agreed that his family should move in to the dorms especially with the two new additions that needed to be handled with care. U.A. was the perfect environment to watch them and help them grow because it would provide stability. Not to mention one of the girls still had no clue what her quirk was and the other was liable to breakdown without the other in close vicinity. it would provide a great place for his son to be able to continue to train and develop his skills in preparation for the entrance exams. On the other hand it meant being subjected to the whims of the Rat God at every moment. It was in truth no different to living off campus but at least within his own home he knew that the Rat God would only appear if it was truly needed. U.A.'s campus was different and with the Rat God's insatiable curiosity and constant experiments he was now able to pop up at any time for any reason.

Yet here the family of five stood in front of what looked like a five-story mega-complex with a large sign that read: "Teacher Dormitory". Yamada had an excited air about himself. Shinso, their insomniac son who looked like a miniature Aizawa with purple hair, scanned the place thoroughly for any vantage points and escape points with a blank expression. Toga seemed to be doing the same thing unconsciously as she looked about with a mischievous smirk. Strangely enough Izumi seemed to also be scoping out the area.

"Hey you guys are late!"

The door flung open to reveal Nemuri Kamaya, the R-Rated Hero Midnight, whom the three teenagers lovingly referred to as Aunt Nemo. She held up a few takeout bags filled to the brim with food, "We've been waiting for 30 minutes. Now hurry up before Snipe eats everything!"

"I heard that!"

Yamada chuckled at the 3rd Year Teacher's shout from somewhere within the building, "C'mon now save some for the little listeners at least!"


Izumi was pleasantly surprised at the interior of the teacher dormitory as she explored the building with Toga and Shinso close behind. There was a training space in the basement complete with a sparring ring and workout equipment. The first floor held the dining room and the recreational space with a couch and television. The second floor had the offices and meeting rooms for any work that needed to be completed. The third through fifth floors housed the living spaces that were more apartments than dorm rooms. Most of the rooms on the third and fourth floor were already taken by other teaching staff and Aizawa had told them to find rooms for themselves on the fifth floor since it was pretty much empty aside from their family. The two rooms they had decided on were the ones at the end of the hall since they were smaller than the rest. Shinso would be right across from Izumi and Toga who were sharing a room.

They had already finished unpacking almost an hour ago because each of the teens only had a backpack full of all their worldly possessions. Izumi only had her notebooks and her school uniforms while Toga just had a few old clothes and an absurd amount of knives that she was forced to part with for safety reasons. Shinso came as a surprise to the two girls since he only had a laptop, a few books, a collection of black tracksuits like Aizawa, and his capture scarf. When they asked him about it he simply said it was all he needed.

"Shinso, Himiko, Izumi!"

The three made their way downstairs to see most of the hero teachers sitting around the dining table with exhausted expressions from eventful day. However there was a new face there that made Toga freeze in her tracks.

"Uncle Kan?"

The silver haired blood hero looked up in confusion at the calling of a name he hadn't heard in over a decade. There he saw a blonde girl that very closely resembled his sister who had disappeared from his life when he was still a teenager. He had seen her once before, when his sister had no choice but to leave her with their parents. She was small at the time and was curious about what her quirk would be. He told her about his own quirk and how he became a hero despite what other people thought about it. The same girl who declared that she would one day follow in his footsteps no matter what quirk she had.


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