Wooyoung's heart skipped a beat at the sound of San's voice, his mind racing with possibilities.

Why the fuck was he acting like a high school girl out of nowhere?

He nodded eagerly, trying to mask the rapid thud of his heart. "Sure, hyung", he said, his voice a touch too eager. "Let's see"

But before he could make his choice, Mingi's voice cut through the air with a groan. "Ugh, not another thriller," he complained, rubbing his eyes tiredly. "They always make me sleepy. I never get the plot anyway."

Felix's loudly laughed at that statement, hitting Mingi's shoulder in the process, "You're so stupid it's almost cute" he teased, nudging his friend playfully.

Mingi shot Felix a playful glare, his lips twitching with a mixture of annoyance and amusement. "Thanks for the vote of confidence, Felix" he retorted, rolling his eyes dramatically.

Wooyoung ignored the banter, his attention still fixated on the screen as he made his decision. With a decisive click, he selected a thrilling mystery and pressed play, the opening credits rolling across the screen in anticipation of the suspense to come.

San wanted to watch a thriller so they will watch a thriller now.

And amidst the suspense and excitement, Wooyoung couldn't help but steal glances at San beside him, his heart racing with a different kind of anticipation.

As the movie flickered on the screen, its tense atmosphere seeping into the room, Wooyoung couldn't help but notice the slight shiver that ran through his frame.

After Seonghwa had insisted on opening up the big window next to them for some 'fresh air', Wooyoungs choice to wear a thin t-shirt certainly wasn't optimal.

The chill in the air seemed to intensify, causing him to draw his arms tighter around himself.

He stole a glance at San, who sat beside him on the couch, his expression unreadable in the dim light.

Must be nice wearing that comfy ass hoodie.

The elder shifted subtly, his eyes briefly meeting Wooyoung's before flicking to the empty space beside him. It was a silent invitation, one that carried more weight than any words could convey.

Wooyoung hesitated for a moment, his mind racing with a flurry of thoughts and emotions, before giving in to the pull of San's unspoken gesture.

"You wanna cuddle?", Wooyoung whisper yelled over the volume of the huge Tv.

The other rolled his eyes, shifting his attention back onto the movie


As the movie continued to captivate their attention, Wooyoung found himself sinking deeper into the cushions of the couch, his mind fully immersed in the unfolding plot. However, amidst the tension of the thriller, he felt a subtle shift beside him, a gentle pressure against his side.

Turning his head, Wooyoung was met with the unexpected sight of San's arm snaking around his waist, drawing him closer. It was a simple gesture, but it sent a jolt of surprise and excitement coursing through Wooyoung's veins, momentarily stealing his breath away.

For a moment, he remained frozen, unsure of how to react to the sudden closeness between them. But as the warmth of San's touch seeped into his skin, Wooyoung couldn't deny the flutter of anticipation that danced in his chest. Slowly, almost tentatively, he shifted closer.

As Wooyoung settled into San's embrace, he couldn't help but be acutely aware of the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, a comforting cadence that seemed to sync perfectly with his own.

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