♫︎ - 27

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Feeling a bit complicated lately with watty, I know there are people who support me but sometimes I feel like I'm writing for myself  only, I love that but want to make people smile and motivation gives me a boost!

Please support me by sharing my stories and name out there lovelies! A follow or comment or vote is more than welcome as well!

If not is fine as well but would appreciate some love ❤️



I had convinced Harry to get a puppy and we got one yesterday! It took me three days of begging and sore lips from pouting but I knew he couldn't resist me!

Oliver seems a bit off guard but I can see he kind of is starting to like Ollie, our labrador pup!

He's very energetic and the boys want to take him out every single second of the day, win-win situation if you ask me.

Harry had called Gemma yesterday and she told him she had a good talk with Nate and thought a lot and decided to move over here, so we are honestly overjoyed with the two new things!

At the moment I'm at the hospital, filling in some papers and setting up some so that Gemma can work here as a my assistent. I told her she could be anything like a receptionist or cleaner but she wanted to be my assistent and I honestly like the idea!

"Hey lou, wanna get something to eat soon?" Liam stepped into my office, his head a bit sweaty.

"Yeah sure, but what's going on with you?" He looked confused for a second but than got what I meant.

"That toddler in room 5 is giving me a headache, he has to stay here for a while and probably will go to foster care, abusive parents and a broken wrist, he's really upset."

I frowned and Liam tilted his head. "You're going to take a look, aren't you?"

I smiled as he always seemed to read my thoughts. "Yeah, things like that are always hard on people, I want to help people like I helped Harry and vice versa."

He nodded and leaned against the doorway. "Well I'm gonna get a cupcake at the bakery and some bagels, want me to get you some as well?"

I stacked the papers I had filled out and stood up. "Cheers lad, tell Harry I will pick him up once I'm done here."

He nodded. "Will do, he's doing really well innit?" He smiled and a smile tugged at my lips.

"He's better than ever, it makes me so happy," I told him, following him out of the door and to the elevator.

"That's good, he must be overjoyed that his sister is going to live close by along with his nephew."

"He loves it, gonna look for houses with him soon for her and Nate to live in."

I pushed the button for the first floor and the elevator doors closed.

"Good stuff, we all can't wait to meet them either, Zayn and I are actually thinking about getting a place somewhere close by as well."

I widened my eyes. "Really?! That's amazing li!" I gave him a big hug and his eyes were beaming.

We stepped out of the elevator. "Let's celebrate it tonight at home! Can get some drinks when I pick hazz up?"

"Sounds good!" He ruffled my hair. "Thanks tommo, you're the best!"

"I know," I grinned and waved as I went the other way, shouting a 'cya later!'

I went over to the room Liam told me the boy would be.

He was in one of the hospital bed, his blonde hair in a fringe to the side, his bright blue eyes looking at me as I entered.

"Hello fella, I'm doctor Tomlinson, but you can call me Louis, who are you?" I tried my best and smiled the widest I could, in the back of my mind the words Liam had told me about his life at the moment spinning through my head.

He seemed hesitant to answer me. "Georgie," he whispered after a while, gripping the duvet tightly with his tiny hand that wasn't broken.

"Oh what a beautiful name! How old are you buddy?"

He bit his lip. "Four."

I took a seat next to his bed and read his file, frowning as I saved the sentences in my head.

This boy had a rough life, at only four years old!

"That's a big boy already, hm?"

He giggled and I cooed, he was so cute. I didn't even know why I was here, but me and Harry had been talking about adopting lately and I guess I took those thoughts to work ever since.

He then showed me his green cast. "Look!" He squealed, handing me a pencil that was on the desk next to his bed.

"Write?" He asked, looking at me hopefully and I chuckled. "Sure buddy, what do you want me to write?"

He thought for a moment. "A heart! Hearts mean love, right mr. Louis?"

I melted and felt some tears coming up but swallowed them away. "That's right Georgie, let me write that on your cast for you!"

So I did just that and many more after he requested me to.

After a while of talking with the cute fella my shift was over and hours had passed with the occasional nurses coming in to check on him.

"Mr Louis?" He asked when I was about to leave.


"Can you come back tomorrow?"

Without thinking I answered, a smile on my face. "Of course, buddy."

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