Well the last two definitely were the others 5 steps ahead when it came to physical contact but still.

It. Was. Awkward.

The group shuffled along the sidewalk, their footsteps echoing in the uncomfortable silence that hung heavy in the air. Mingi cleared his throat, casting a nervous glance at his companions as he attempted to break the stifling tension enveloping them.

"So... um, how about that weather?" Mingi ventured, his voice strained with forced cheerfulness as he gestured awkwardly toward the cloud-covered sky.

Seonghwa shot him a bemused look, his lips twitching with suppressed amusement as he shook his head in disbelief. "Seriously, Mingi?" he replied, his tone laced with incredulity. "We're literally standing under a gloomy sky, and you're trying to make small talk about the weather?"

Mingi's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as he realized the futility of his attempt at conversation, his shoulders slumping in defeat as he mumbled an apologetic response. "Sorry, I just... I don't know, I thought it might lighten the mood."

Wooyoung stifled a snicker, his lips quirking up into a wry grin as he exchanged a knowing glance with Felix. "Yeah, because talking about the weather always solves everything," he quipped, his voice dripping with sarcasm as he rolled his eyes.

Felix chuckled softly, his laughter mingling with the awkward tension that permeated the air as they continued their journey toward Seonghwa's apartment. Despite their best efforts to ease the discomfort with lighthearted banter, the oppressive silence loomed large, casting a shadow over their awkward procession through the streets of the city.

Seonghwa cleared his throat, his voice cutting through the awkward silence like a knife as he sought to divert their attention from the uncomfortable atmosphere that surrounded them. "Alright, guys, just so we're clear," he began, his tone firm as he addressed his companions. "There are a few ground rules for my apartment."

Wooyoung raised an eyebrow, a sarcastic glint dancing in his eyes as he shot Seonghwa a playful grin. "Let me guess, no shoes on the sofa?" he quipped, his lips quirking up into a smirk.

Seonghwa chuckled, shaking his head in amusement as he nodded in confirmation. "Actually, that's a good start," he replied, a hint of amusement coloring his tone. "But there's one rule in particular that I want to make crystal clear."

Felix raised an eyebrow, curiosity flickering in his gaze as he leaned in closer to listen. "Oh? And what might that be?" he asked, his interest piqued by Seonghwa's cryptic statement.

Seonghwa's expression grew serious as he fixed each of his friends with a pointed look, his gaze lingering on San and Wooyoung in particular. "No... fucking. I don't wanna clean your shit up, San", he stated firmly, his voice leaving no room for misinterpretation as he emphasized his point.

Wooyoung's cheeks flushed crimson, embarrassment coloring his features as he tried to suppress a nervous laugh. "Well, that's... uh, good to know," he muttered awkwardly, his gaze flickering to San before quickly darting away again.

San, however, remained strangely impassive, his expression unreadable as he offered a noncommittal shrug. "Not like that's an issue," he remarked bluntly, his tone devoid of emotion as he brushed off Seonghwa's warning with casual indifference, "I'm not in the mood"

Was that a little rude? Maybe.

"Just saying", Seonghwa rolled his eyes at the statement as they continued to walk through the big campus, getting closer and closer to the university's exit.

Mingi let out an exaggerated groan, his voice laced with playful irritation as he complained about the seemingly endless walk to Seonghwa's dorm. "Are we there yet? My feet are killing me," he whined, shooting a dramatic glare at Seonghwa as if it were his fault for choosing to live so far away.

No matter where | WoosanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon