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How Can We Restart?
Will's Pov
Song: Ground by Good Kid


Will woke up to his blaring alarm that he had set for 6:00 AM. He wanted to have his daily morning run, but he was starting to regret that idea. He was not prepared for the school day, or school year for that matter. He was used to his summer schedule where he'd go to bed at 11 PM and wake up at 10 AM, a healthy 11 hours.

He pushed himself to go on his run—it was very calming, he listened to Doja Cat—and once he was back, he got his stuff ready. He hoped to walk to school with Cecil and Lou Ellen, so he texted them and asked.

WillaBear (7:04am): Are we still walking today?

Cecillama (7:10am): Why the fuck are you awake right now????

Louie Lighting: (7:11am) Cecil everyone that goes to school is awake right now

Cecillama (7:11am): Oh.

Cecillama (7:12am): Yeah let's walk

They decided to meet up at Cecil's house and walk to school. While on the walk, Will enjoys the view around his neighborhood. He's always liked his neighborhood, it's always glowing, day or night and the stars shine every night. They talked about their schedules and compared to see if they shared any. Cecil and Lou had three classes together, Will and Lou had one, while Cecil and Will had none.



They arrived at school and split into their classes since their first periods were different. Will's was English. He did not enjoy English. It was always so complicated, he could talk just fine! No need for complicated writing. The only good thing about English classes was the poetry unit, though Will found that Cecil and Lou Ellen did not agree.


When Will entered the class, he sat in the back, at the window. Once he took his seat, he looked around the room for anyone he recognized. After he went through about half the people in the room, his teacher came in. The bell rang, and the teacher wrote his name on the board, Mr. Brunner. Will has heard a few rumors about Mr. Brunner, he was sure a talker.

'What a bore,' Will thought. Mr. Brunner talked about how his dogs sometimes throw up hairballs like a cat. Why do they even need to know about this? Are they going to have a test about Mr. Brunner's cat?

Then, the door slammed open. That was definitely someone Will recognized,

Nico Di Angelo.

Will was told to never talk to Nico by his mother, but lucky him! Nico ended up sitting right next to him. He had to look around for a whole, honestly embarrassing, minute for any spot aside from right beside Will. Sadly, there was not a single empty spot.

The teacher started talking again and Will deliberately chose to face away from Nico and out the window, but that came to an end when the teacher made them introduce themselves to their deskmates.

Will looked over to Nico hesitantly, then finally said, "Hey," cautiously.

"Hi," Nico responded in a very bored voice. He didn't say anything more.

After that, the teacher announced that they had a book project on a Greek mythology story with their deskmates, which was due at the end of the semester. Will realizes that not only does he have to spend some of his precious time reading a book, but he also has to do a project with Nico. Nico de Angelo, the kid his parents hate.


Once lunch arrived, Will texted his friends to figure out where they'd end up sitting. They decided on a picnic table out back of the school. Will saw Lou Ellen and Cecil and waved to them. He sat, smiling, and asked how their days had been so far.

"Ugh, I have that booty hole teacher Ms. Dodds," Lou Ellen complained, her hands dragging across her face. Cecil laughed, placing a hand on her back.

"Will, how were your classes so far?" Cecil asked.

"They were pretty boring. God, you know Nico De Angelo?" Will said in an annoyed tone.

"The kid that your parents hate?" Lou Ellen jumped in.

"Yeah, he sits right next to me. And we have to do a project together. It's so stupid, how am I going to work with him when my parents would kill me if they heard I was even in the same class as him?" Will complained. He was not excited for the rest of the year.

"Maybe you can switch partners?" Cecil suggests.

"It's Mr. Brunner, he would not let us switch even if we begged. He's always like, 'Maybe you'll become friends from working together.' " Will scoffed, "As if."

"Alright, Regina George," Cecil scoffed back.

They continued talking about their classes until the bell rang. They split up and traveled to their next class.


Look, if anything is wrong? Blame it on the fact I've never read the books. Also I wrote this at 2am and as I was editing it I had no clue how to fix some things, so leave me be :c  -Sou

I have no clue how to format dialogue. Like idk how to write it in the first place, I always skip dialogue and my teachers hate me for it, but formatting it?? Do I add spaces inbetween or not?? What looks best???? Books and school ain't teach me shit bc this isn't something I've been taught or told how to -Sou

dw sou you got this!! <3

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