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Boom and slam with tires 🛞 rolling away from the scene.

By the time Olivia and Grace gets down stairs, and sees Spencer on the floor in a puddle of blood, both women drop to the floor screaming.  And as much as both tried to remove Spencer away from their lives, they cannot because they still love him.

Emergency vehicles arrive within 5 minutes after little Spencer dialed 911. (He is going on three now and he knows what to do).  Spencer is barely breathing as he was shot in the heart.

Jumping in the back of the ambulance with Spencer, Grace is praying that her crazy son will be ok.  His heart stop beating twice already.  And Grace could only keep praying and taking back what she said about him not being her son anymore. 

When you get back to yourself Spencer, I'm still kicking your butt for what you did.  So you better keep fighting because you have a butt kicking coming your way.

Olivia had finally gotten in contact with Ms.  Hilton to stay with junior.  She busted through the double doors like SWAT asking about her husband. 

The news of Spencer's shooting was traveling fast, thanks to an anonymous hospital worker.  Shortly Ashley busted in the hospital looking for her boyfriend, Olivia and Grace was Sitting on the other side comforting one another until Olivia saw Ashley and turned red.  She got up, walked over with Ashley having the nerve asking Olivia what did she do to her man.  Olivia took her hand all the way back and punched Ashley to the ground.

How are you doing mam, said one of the other nurses talking to Ashley, my apologies again to you and you boyfriend.  It must be hard losing a baby.

Olivia overheard the conversation and passed out.  Sure enough, Spencer and Ashley were having a child together.  Olivia wondered if her heart could break any more.  Suddenly a hard noise was heard and Olivia passed out.

Grace rushed over and slapped the crap out of Ashley's other side of her face.  What did you do to my daughter in law.  Nothing, I can't help if she couldn't take the news that Spencer and I were having a baby.  I'm sorry I lose your future grandchild.  That child was conceived through drunkenness and witchcraft and it probably was not my son's.

Shortly, the doctor came through the double doors and asked for the family of Spencer James.  Grace, Olivia, and Ashley stood up.  Grace turned around, looked at Ashley and said sit your ass down, you are not family. 

He is my boyfriend.  Boyfriend or not, says the doctor, you are not allowed to receive any information on this patient.  If his family chooses to share, they can, but by the way it looks, I wouldn't get my hopes up.

Unbeknown to everyone there, the hospital was on lock down and seeing the cops enter, Ashley started to get scared. 

What's going on, Grace asked.  Ms, anytime there is a shooting, we have to lock down the hospital and call the police. 

Olivia noticed how uncomfortable Ashley was getting and so did Grace. 

Sir, you don't need to look any further for my son's shooter, she sitting over there.  She was with my son when he came by the house.  I slammed the door in her face and she was waiting for him outside.

No one else could have gotten to my son's house because you have to punch in a code to open the gate.  I had the code changed, said Olivia, but I gave it to Spencer.  Mama Grace has the new code as well.  She and I were upstairs when we heard the shot and a loud bang and a vehicle driving off.

Ms, you have to come to the station with us.  We need to ask you some questions.  Just like that, Ashley was taken out of the hospital. 

Olivia baby, does Spencer know about the baby.  Yea, he had too, he was here when she lost it.  God, how can this get any worse.  We were so happy when we got here.  It's like Spencer is a different person.  You are right about that. 

But what I meant by the baby sweetheart is does Spencer know you are pregnant?  Wait, how did you know.  I didn't, but thanks for confirming.

Mama Grace, I can never pull one over you.  Remember that sweetheart.

Family of Spencer James.  Yes how is he?  He made it through surgery and is a little drowsy, but you can see him.

Both women went back hand in hand.  Spencer saw the door opened.  Ashley baby is that you.  Olivia broke down crying.  Oh, Olivia why are you here?  Are you still stupid after surgery, says MS Grace?  I was praying they would fix your brain.   

I'm so sick of doing this shit, says Spencer.  I said I'm sick of doing ......doing this Ashley.  Ashley is not here, dummy she shot you.  No, she loves me and I love her.  Do you hear yourself Spencer, do you see your wife standing here?

Spencer turned in the bed where it showed his birthmark.  He then screamed in pain.  Olivia and Grace stopped and turned around.  They looked at each other.  I have never seen that birth mark on Spencer's back said Olivia.  Spencer's birth mark is on his side .

Bam, bam, bam........somebody help me.  Why are you doing this.  Why am I locked up in this small room for weeks.  What have you done with my wife and family probably think I abandoned them.  I play for the NFL, I can pay if you want money.  My name is Spencer James.

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