No Turning Back

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It has been a month since Spencer and Olivia has separated.  He has barely been sober enough to play football.  He was sleeping around still and had fallen into a deep depression.  Spencer was seen quite often partying with groupies.

Olivia was heart broken and miserable.  Spencer was missing days with their son and Olivia was barely holding it together.  None of her family knew what was going on.

One day Grace Carter showed up at Olivia's home because she hadn't heard from her son and the times she tried to call him, he never called back.

Olivia heard the doorbell to her home and went to answer the door.  She opened it to her soon to be ex- mother in law.  Grace took in Olivia's physical appearance and immediately knew something was wrong.

What wrong baby, says Grace with little Spencer running to the door saying dada, to be disappointed each time.  Grace tried to hold back her tears, but she knew something was off and off in a bad way.

She took Olivia in her arms and held her tight.  Where is he?  I don't know Mama Grace.  We have been separated for a month, what? Says Grace.

Spencer cheated on me with the same person so I guess he now lives with his girlfriend.  He WHAT!  Oh H no.  He almost got kicked off the team for drinking too much and skipping practice.

I think he parties almost every night.  I have seen pictures of him with groupies, while I am home working being a single parent raising our son.  He has forgotten about jr and it breaks my heart.

I'm here now baby.  I need to see Spencer and he is coming over today to see his son.

An hour later, a half sober Spencer rings the doorbell.  Olivia is up stairs because she doesn't want to see his face.

Grace opens the door and Spencer looks horrible.  She draws her hand back and slaps the crap out of him.

Some woman moves from behind Spencer and Grace looks at her like she is crazy.  Have you lost your dam mind.  Oh I'm Ashley, Spencer girlfriend.  You are what?  How can Spencer have a girlfriend and he has a wife?  Grace snatches Spencer into the house and slams the door in Ashley's face.

What is wrong with you Spencer, have moving to NY changed you that much.  Mom I'm famous, might as well take advantage of it.  I always get what I want. 

What about your family Spencer, your wife and your son.  She can date just like I am.  This is not you and I will stay here and help Olivia and my grandson. There is some coffee in the pot, I will get you some. 

Returning back to the couch with Spencer's coffee, Grace took a good look at him.  She did not recognize him at all.  Do you not want your family back Spencer.  Well that was Liv's choice not mine.  NO!  You don't get to blame your pathetic choices on the one woman who has stuck by you through everything.  This is your doing not Olivia.  

I don't understand what is going on in your head but until you make this right with your family, you are no longer my son.  I will be here for my daughter and grandson, but after today I don't want to hear your voice or see you face until you get it together and make things right.

You have ruined your life with Liv and I pray to God that she finds someone who will treat her right because she is done with you. 

Spencer do you really know how you have ripped your wife and son's heart out?  Spencer shakes his head with tears falling down.  She hates me mom, no no don't call me that, because my son would never do something like this.

I love Liv and my son, but it's too late.  I have done too much damage.  Yes, you have.  Do you remember what you told her on your wedding day?  Let me remind you.  Grace turns on the wedding video.  Olivia was upstairs with her bedroom door closed.  She started hearing Spencer's wedding vows through the speakers which is throughout the house.  She fell on her bed sobbing.  She also heard her husband sobbing as well from downstairs. 

Liar, she screamed and kept screaming until Grace came up and held her with Olivia's head on Grace lap.  Spencer was still downstairs sobbing, realizing the mess he made and could not fix.  Coming to terms that his life was over and he could not fix what he had broken. 

Just then, Grace and Olivia heard on shot and a hard bang.  Both women rushed downstairs stairs to see a Spencer on the floor in a puddle of blood.

A shorter chapter, but this was meant to be a short story with no more than 10 chapters.  This is all for a couple of days.

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