Trouble (Continued)

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The next morning at the practice facility, one of the veteran players on the team approached Spencer attempting to make small talk.  They walked to the car together talking about the team and what they can do to improve.

Since it was a topic about football, Spencer didn't mind engaging in the conversation.  Okay man, I will hit you up tomorrow morning, have a great night and tell the fam hello.  You do the same man, says Spencer. They dap each other up and get in their cars.

Before Spencer could fully get in his vehicle, one of the players caught up to him.  Hey man, since today was a short practice, I was wondering if you would like to talk offline about some plays later on.  A couple of the captains will be there and the team has really been impressed with the work you are putting in.

Let me get back with you.  My lovely wife, may have other plans for us.  Okay, Okay, I understand that, family comes first.  But yea, I have one of those too.  Lifting his eye brow, Spencer says, one of those? Oh yea a wife.  Well I would not put the "Love of my Life" in a category of "One of those".  You know what I mean man.  Actually I don't, says Spencer.  It's all fun and games, says Tra.  I don't look at my family as all fun and games.  My wife is my day one and our son is a gift from God.  Yea, until you look in her closet and see all the designer clothes you paid for. 

First of all, I was the poor one.  My wife is from Beverly Hills.  Always been rich, but she never treated me any differently.  You see the thing about my wife is, she don't need my money.  Her family has it and she makes her own.  You will never see a closet full of designer clothes because she don't like flashy or expensive.  Yes, my women turn heads with anything she has on and when I buy her things, the first thing she asks is how much it cost, because the money can be used to help others.

You see Tra, when you start saying stupid stuff like that, leave Olivia James, head sports caster for ESPN Morning Show out of your conversation.  My baby is smart, loving, always put others first, a kick ass sports caster, and the most unselfish person I know.  Let me add the most beautiful woman I have ever seen and I am damn lucky to be loved by such a wonderful and amazing wife and mother.

Just a word of caution, she is all those things and more, as long as you don't f.....with her or our family.  Just pray to God that she never has you on her show.  Because if you talk out the side of your mouth like you just did with me, she will rip you into a thousand pieces, spit you out and continue smiling and looking beautiful for the camera and not miss a beat for her show.

Hey babe, are you here? I saw your car in the garage. Olivia turns the corner and sees her husband, yes me in the flesh. You are home early. So are you says, Spencer. I finished the outline and questions for the show for the remainder of the week, so I decided to come and spend some time with our precious terrorist, I mean our son. I also wanted to give Ms Hudson their remainder of the day off.

What are you doing here so early, says Olivia? Yeah, Coach let us go a bit early this afternoon. I'm glad because I get to see our son and spend some quality time with you. After wards, I'm taking a nap.

Oh yea, the guys invited me to hang out with them for a couple of hours to discuss some strategies to make the team better. I am not going because I have spend most of the day with them and now I want to spend the remainder of today and tonight with you and junior.

Babe, why don't you go with them. Me and our son will always be here for you, says Olivia. Go out with your teams members, maybe it will be a good time to bond with some of them since this your first season with the team.

You know I rather be here with both of you. I know, but you get to lay down next to me every night, remember I will always have you.

Later that evening, okay babe I'm out, says Spencer. I love you, love you too and have fun, says Olivia.

Once Spencer arrives, he double checks his directions. I thought we were meeting at a meeting room of something similar, Spencer says to himself. He dials up one of the guys to ensure he is at the correct place. Yea man, says the other guy come right in. We have a couple of reserved booths.

He quickly call his wife and tells her about the meeting location, I'm not sure babe, it's a club, looks high scale.

Okay, get out and go in. You will never know until you see for yourself. Yea, I guess you are right. I will see you later baby, I love you so much, says Spencer as he exited the car and place his phone in his pocket.

As Spencer enters the place it seems pretty quiet. He hears some call his name and it Tra. Oh God, one is the last people I wanted to see again today. Spencer puts on his smiley face and walks over.

A woman comes over to speak to the players with Special emphasis on Spencer.

Hi, I am Ashley. I see you guys conduct your work business here as well.  Here as well, says Spencer.  Yes each time I'm in town this is a hidden gem for me to meet with others business partners.

So what do you do, asks Tra?  I'm a jeweler, that's different,  says Tra as  he continues his conversation with her as her eyes stay on Spencer the entire time.  He would not have known since he was on his phone texting his wife.

Oh, what did you say.  I'm a jeweler, that's nice says Spencer.  I own my wife a special piece of jewelry that I know she would probably love.

Do you have a card or a catalog?  Oh, I don't use catalogs.  My pieces are exquisite.  Oh okay whatever, says Spencer.  I'm sure I can find her something at one of the more exquisite places in this city.

Returning back to her spot and deciding to move a table closer to where Spencer was sitting gave her a chance to get closer to him.

So when are we going to get to the purpose of this meet-up?  Hold your horses Spencer, let's get a drink first.

This is not the kind of meeting I expect, so I think I am going to bounce.

Getting up from his private table he shared with the other few members of the team, he was half way to the door when Ashley tugged on his arm.

Leaving so soon?  Yep, well if you give me.....oh never mind, my assistant is here with the jewelry pieces that you are interested in buying for your wife.

Ok, I guess I can stay a bit to look them over.  Heading to Ashley's table, his team mates looked over to see that Spencer had not left.  So we can't get you to stay but she could.  What's going on James.  Just looking for something for my wife.  With another woman says Tra.......very funny asshole.

As Spencer was looking at the jewelry, Ashley was looking at him.  Since I believe you want the best for your wife and looking at all these pieces is going to take a while, I'll order us some drinks.  Ashley calls the bartender over and place an order for her and Spencer. 

A little later on, the club was in full mode and so was Spencer.  He normally does not drink because of his wife, but since he was here, he had a couple of drinks and it was kicking his butt.  Ashley saw that he was not himself and a bit drunk, so she took a chance to pull her chair next to him and place her hand on his thigh rubbing it.

Spencer jumped and asked what the h.... Was she doing?  Oh, I got you Liv.  That was an open door for Ashley as she got up, sat in Spencer's lap and began kissing him, without him pulling away.

James what are you doing?  Says another team member?  Kissing my wife.  That's not your wife fool says another team member.  Looking confused, Spencer looked at Ashley and pushed her off him. 

Time for you to get home.  I'll drive your car and Brad can drive mine since we came together.

The damage was already done by the time he got home.  Olivia was sitting downstairs crying as she heard Spencer stumbling in the house.

Leave, get out Spencer.  What are you talking about.  She grabs her phone and shows him a picture of him with Ashley in his lap tonguing each other down.

We have to talk this out Liv.  What, about my husband having some woman on his lap kissing like crazy. 

You can sleep in one of the guest bedrooms.

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