"How about you talk to him," Smit pointed a thumb towards Matt. "He'll let you ride his bike."

"Wait what-" Matt was instantly swarmed with questions as John and Smit made their sneaky escape.

"John do you know anything about racing? Be honest with me." Smit asked suddenly. John knew literally nothing, and at first he wasn't going to tell him that, but now he's in with both feet, so might as well.

"No?" John looked towards Smit, only to see him staring at him.

"Your a fucktard."

"I know."

"You're gonna have to learn fast, you won't be watching them race before hand." Smii7y sighed. "I'll get Eli to give you a few pointers." Like Eli was going to help him much, he'd probably just sit there and laugh at him.

"Here, take the key, and let her warm up, I'll take the Ducati to sit beside Eli's bike." Smii7y held the key out to John, while he fished the Ducati's key out of his pocket.

"Ride fast... Eat ass?" John read the keychain on the H2R's key.

"Truth." Smii7y said before grabbing the Ducati's key from John, and walking toward said bike.

"Do you eat ass, and ride fast at the same time?"

"I can do anything."

"Oh, making me blush." That was actually true, but he wouldn't know that.

"I'll see you at the track, John." Smii7y shook his head, but also said it in a moderately flirty tone. 

"Alright." John started the H2R, and it's deep tone was music to his ears. Smii7y started the Ducati, and jumped on it.

"Don't crash before you hit the track." Smii7y snickered.

"I might." John answered honestly.

"Well try not to." And with that, he drove off. 

John let the H2R sit for a bit, and idle, letting it warm up before he ends up revving it to hell, then racing it at high speeds. It would be an understatement to say John was scared. He was scared shitless. He was shaking as he slid onto the rumbling bike, that felt more like getting on a wild horse at that moment, then a bike sitting with the parking break on.

John swallowed his fear, and took the parking break off, letting it roll into first gear. Instantly he felt it's power, the bike even felt like it wanted to race. John had never been on a bike that felt like it was ready to just take off. He was going to have to learn the ropes of two things today, the bike, and the sport.

When he rolled up to the lineup, everyone's eyes were on him. Of course since he had the best looking, and fastest bike of everyone there, but it still put him on edge. He can't fuck up. Everyone is watching. Is that how Smit feels before a big competition?

"Yo." Eli's voice spooked him out of his thoughts. "Smit said you needed a run down."

"I certainly do." John's tone was wavering, not a good start.

"Well first of all, you respect that bike and it's power. Think of it like a wild animal, you respect it's boundaries, and your chance of dying drops, but it's never zero." Eli didn't help at all.

"Second of all, that bike won't kill you, not in a straight line at least." That actually helped a little, but Eli would be quick to diminish his relief.

"Let me see your stabilizer, I'm sure Smit would put that on a track bike so he wouldn't get speed wobbles. Get those and game over." He added the Mario death theme too that statement.

Eli then proceeded to look over everything to make sure John was not going to die today. If he lost, he might die anyway out of embarrassment. He literally got handed the most powerful bike here.

"Everything's good, now I'll actually teach you whats going to happen out there." Eli sighed. "You really are a newbie."

"I know how to ride, just not a bike this powerful."

"Newbie to racing dipshit." Eli clarified. "Okay, so first, your on pro mode probably with that much horsepower under you, so it will be harder. You'll roll up to the first zone and ready up, basically, the two yellow lights at the top of the light will flash up. You'll roll into second, and by roll, I mean burnout so you get your tires warm, and set the second light off. Then once both sides have their lights on, three red lights will pop up, and you have to be ready, because as soon as they disappear, it's green, so crank that thing like your life depends on it."

John was surprised he actually got all of that, instead of it flying in one ear and out the other.

"It doesn't matter if your bike pops up at first, just make sure that tire hits the ground soon, it'll help your speed." Eli continued. "Also, that thing can go 240mph in 24 seconds, you shouldn't be worried, just don't grandma shift."

"SHIT, ELI!" Smii7y could be heard as he jogged over.


"I forgot to mention that this bike needs a good tuning, it doesn't like shifting to 3rd."

"Okay John, Fuck that, Shift to second, and full throttle." Eli sighed.

"That won't fucking work, he needs to shift to third he's against a V4R!" Smii7y added.

"Like a Ducati Panigale V4R?" Eli's helmet tilted towards Smit. "And you failed to tell me that first?"

"Yes, he needs to get it to 3rd, and he'll be fine, he'd smoke it... that is if it gets to 3rd." Smii7y was saying his thoughts out loud, apparently John wasn't the only one hyperventilating.

"Okay John, new plan, you get that bitch to third, and you let her go." Eli remade his plan for the third time.

"How is it not shifting? Is it just not responding?" John asked, speaking for the first time in awhile.

"It's sticky, it won't want to, but you can't get it to if you try hard enough." Smii7y clarified. "You saw me slam it into 3rd on the road right? I thought I got it tuned a few days ago, but I guess I was wrong." 

"Smit what if you broke it?" John asked, now worried. "Also How did you forget you didn't get your bike tuned?"

"It won't be broken, sheesh, and things happen when you have 70 bikes."

Holy shit, what did John get himself into?

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