Hot and Steamy (🍋)

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It was currently nighttime, and you were waiting in Freddy's room for him to get back from a long day of entertaining

"Hello, Superstar." He comes into the room and smiles at you, feeling all of his fatigue go away just at the sight of you

"Hey, Freddy." You smile back

"How was your day?" He undoes his bow tie and tosses it aside before walking closer

"It was okay. Pretty boring. How about you?"

"That's a shame... Maybe I can help make it a bit better before we head to sleep? As for my day, it was alright. Very exhausting, however. There were a ton of children trying to climb all over me..." He stretches his arms out

"It sounds like we both need a bit of downtime."

"Want to take a shower with me? As expected, I don't exactly smell the best right now, hehe. I could also use the intimacy..." He whispers the last part

Standing up and taking a sniff at his fur, you find out that he is right. His fur smells like a mixture of sweat, musk, and something unique to him, perhaps it's the scent of a bear. Overall, he smells pretty manly. It's quite arousing

"Oof, yeah. I think a shower is just for you." You giggle while jokingly recoiling away from him

Looking away bashfully, he finishes removing the rest of his accessories until he's clad in nothing but his sweatpants. Going over to his vanity, he digs out a fresh pair of sweats and a stack of towels for you both

"Are you ready? I have towels for us." He smiles

"Mhm! Just let me pick out some new clothes real quick."

After picking out some new clothes to change into once finished with the shower, you head back over to him and hold onto his arm

"Lead the way, my big, strong, sexy man." You smile up at him

"Of... Of course! Right this way, my love..."

Leaning his head against yours lovingly, he escorts you out of the room so you can go take a shower together


Making it down to the shower room, Freddy sets down the towels nearby along with yours and his clothes

"Do you want to go in first?" He points at the open shower

"Nah. I'll wait for you."

Nodding understandingly, he makes no deal about stripping down in front of you right now. Once his sweatpants and boxers are off, he's standing naked right before you. Even though he's flaccid right now, he still looks as large as ever and, his balls look nice and plump

"There's my two, furry little friends." You chuckle before reaching down to fondle his fluffy balls affectionately

Gasping softly before giving you a soft moan, Freddy gently places his hand on your shoulder as his hips involuntarily buck forward

"Superstar..." He mewls, a little embarrassed at how easily you made him moan like that, yet unsurprisingly turned on by it

"Alright, enough messing around. Let's take that shower now."

Giving his chest fur a few tender strokes, you work on stripping down in front of him as well. Of course, by now, you both are fully comfortable seeing each other naked. In fact, right now, you both welcome the intimacy that comes with taking a shower together

"Ready?" You toss your clothes over in a pile where his are

"I believe so."

Stepping into the shower, he makes it just warm enough to where it's nice and relaxing while also making it where either of you won't get too hot

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