Snow day

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It was currently daytime, and you were with Freddy in his room while just starting to wake up. The Pizzaplex was closed for today due to heavy snow

Opening your eyes, you're met with the immediate site of him sleeping soundly right next to you

"Freddy." You grab onto his shoulder and shake him lightly


"Freddy." You shake him again

"I'm up..." He opens his eyes groggily and yawns

"Good morning my handsome man." You smile and scratch under his chin lightly

"Good morning, my love..." He leans forward and gives you a lazy peck on the lips, purring softly

"What do you feel like doing today?"

"Mmm, sleep..." He holds you closer to him and nuzzles his snout into your neck

"We can't do that all day silly." You place a hand on his tricep

"I know. But we can sleep a little bit longer, can't we?"

"I suppose you're right about that."

"Good, then it's settled..."

He gives you a gentle squeeze before closing his eyes again

"Good night again..."


After sleeping for around another hour or so, you once again sit up in bed and stretch lazily

"Alright, it's time to get up for real now." You nudge him

"Okay..." He yawns and sits up too

"How would you like to start our afternoon?"

"Maybe we could watch some TV?" He rubs his eyes and hands you the remote

"Sounds good."

You quickly start flicking through the channels until you land on the weather

"Today will be a cold 20 degrees Fahrenheit with a high chance of more snow."

"More snow?" You stare at the screen

"Mmm, that sounds like more reasoning to stay inside today snuggled up in bed." He leans into your side

"I wasn't even aware it snowed last night..."

After a little bit of silence, you finally speak up again

"Wanna go outside and play in the snow?" You turn your head toward him

"What is there to do out there?"

"We can make snow angels, sled down hills, maybe find some people to have a snowball fight with..."

"That sounds like fun. Can we make a snowman as well?"

"Mhm! Want to get dressed and leave?"

He nods excitedly and gets up to change into his usual red pants followed by his accessories

"You have anything more fitted for snow?"

"Not really. But I assure you my fur can keep me warm!" He bangs on his chest

"Aw, I kinda wanted to see you in a coat or something..."

"Well, I have a scarf that I sometimes wear. Do you want me to get that?"

"*gasp* Yes!"

Giggling to himself, he searches through his vanity drawers until he finds his scarf

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