A day to relax

227 5 40

Pink claws will make sense soon!

M/O = Mexican Order!

F/D = Favorite Drink!


It was currently daytime, and you were in the atrium with Freddy and everyone else because the Pizzaplex was closed for today

"So, guys, how are you all gonna spend your day?" You look around at all of your friends

"I'm gonna practice singing and maybe pick out a few new bows!" Chica smiles

"And I'm gonna get my nails done and try a new hairstyle." Roxy pats her hair

"Monty? Chip?" You look at them

"I'm going to watch a new episode of my favorite romance show!" Chip smiles

"That's neat!"

"sí! The two main characters almost kissed last episode, except they left us off on a cliff-"

"Booooriiinnnggg!" Monty yawns

"Hey, Amigo. You like what you like, and I'll like what I like."

"Anyway... What about you, Monty?" You stare at him

"I'm going to barricade myself in my room so Sun can't get to me."

"Oh. Still upset about that incident?"

He nods while crossing his arms

"Well then, you better hurry! I think I just heard some stomping in the distance!"


"Uh oh. Gotta run! Bye, losers!" Monty quickly sprints off

"And what will you and Freddy do?" Everybody else looks at you

"We haven't decided yet!" You look at him

"We haven't. But as long as I get cuddles at the end of the day, I'm okay with whatever we do!" He hugs you

"Welp, time to hit the wardrobe then!" Chica runs off

"And I'm off to the salon." Roxy walks away while giving a peace sign

"Oh oh oh! My show is about to begin! And I just know Andres and Esmeralda are going to kiss this time!" Chip balls his fists up excitedly

"Hehe, keep us updated!" You chuckle

"I will! Adiós, Amigos!" He walks off, his tail thumping against the ground in excitement

"So, I guess that just leaves you and I!" You turn to Freddy


He brings you into another hug

"How about we get some food to eat then we'll see where the day takes us?"

"Okay!" He smiles while letting go

"Great! Let's go then!" You hold his hand while walking

"So, do you remember what you dreamed about last night?" You look up at him

"I... Don't... All I know is that it was scary..."

"I don't remember my dream either! But I'm pretty sure it was scary too..."

"Anyways, let's not dwell on it!"

"Right!" He gives your hand a gentle squeeze

"Where do you wanna eat?"

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