Friendly competition

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Freddy munching on some chocolate!

He's very thankful that you got it for him!


It was currently nighttime, and you were hanging out with Freddy and the others

"Freddy! Freddy! Freddy!" You, Chica, and Roxy cheer him on

Right now he and Monty were playing against each other in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

"Why are you cheering him!" He glares at you all

"Are you kidding me?! He's totally beating you!" Roxy cackles


"Just admit it Monty! He's got you beat!" Chica joins in

You can tell he's starting to get mad from how he's playing worse

"It's okay Monty."

Freddy looks at him and smiles

"You're good at this, just not as good as me."

"BUUURRN!" You laugh


"I'LL SHOW YOU FAZBEAR." He starts to try extra hard

A few minutes in, and Freddy comes out victorious!

"Woo!" Everyone spectating cheers

"STUPID!" Monty throws his controller onto the bed

"That was fun!" Freddy smiles

He looks back at everyone

"Thank you all for cheering me on!"

"Especially you, my love..." He pulls you onto his lap and wraps his arms around you

"That was an intense game!"

"I know! I'm sweating just from watching it!" Chica laughs

"I see you've been practicing your desyncs Freddy!"

"Well... I have to do something when you're at work and while I'm off..."

He kisses the top of your head

"And playing some of your video games makes it feel like you're right next to me!"

Freddy hugs you tightly

"Whaddya say I get some pizza and drinks for us all real quick?"

"Please!" Chica smiles

"Sounds good." Roxy nods

"Okay! Can I have some candy too?" He lets go so you can get up

"Mhm! Monty?"

"..." Monty looks away from everyone, still salty about losing

"Too mad to talk?" You giggle

"...Shut up..."

"I'll be back with everything!"

You quickly run out

"So Freddy?" Roxy asks

"Pardon me?"

"How much DO you play of this game while not with Y/n? Those were some pretty advanced moves."

"Hehe... I only got invested into it because he coaches me..." He laughs

"Can he coach me too? I wanna beat Monty!" Chica smiles

Monty looks over at her and glares

"Maybe he can! I'll have to ask him!"

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