Birthday party

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It was currently daytime, and Freddy just walked into his room

"Good morning, Superstar!" He smiles

"Morning Freddy!"

"And how is the love of my life doing?" He sits down next to you and wraps an arm around your shoulder

"Peachy! Look at this!"

You hand him over a piece of paper

"I found a note!"

"Huh..." He looks down to see a giant piano note on the paper

"And if you turn it around, there's a letter!"

He turns it around to find the letter 'B' on the back

"So there is."

"Yup! I also got this message from my parents! Apparently, Chloe and Aidan will be here soon to hang out for a bit!" You show him your phone

"Really? That's cool! It's been a while since I have seen them!"


"For what occasion is it for, if I may ask?"

"It's both of their birthday today!"

"Ooh! Will we be throwing them a party?"

"Maybe! It says here that they'll only be staying until my parents get their decorations put up and the presents wrapped at their house!"

"Aw..." He slumps

"Cheer up! How about we throw them our own separate party before they go back home?"

"Okay! What theme do you think it should be?"

"Well, considering we only have one specific theme of decorations here... How about one with a mixture of you and our friends?"

"That sounds good! Do you think they will want a cake?"

"Possibly! I don't think they'll object to having two cakes in one day!"

"Then let's get started!"

Freddy grabs your hand and drags you out of bed while running out of the room


He walks into one of the private party rooms and sets down a box full of decorations and other various party favors

"Ready to get started?"

"I believe so!"

"Here!" He hands you some streamers

"What are you going to set up while I get these hung around the room?"

"I think I'll set up the table?"

"Sounds good! Be done with these in a second!"

You grab a ladder and start hanging the streamers as Freddy starts setting up the table with various snacks and decorations

"After you're done with the streamers, do you think you can help me blow up balloons?" He asks while setting down table toppers and paper plates

"Yep! I'll be done with these in a sec, then I'll help!"

You quickly set up the streamers, but once you get to the last corner of the room, the ladder you're standing on collapses


Just as you brace yourself for impact, Freddy rushes over and catches you before you hit the ground

"Are you okay, my love?" He stares down at you with a concerned look on his face

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