"Ladies'" night

120 2 4

M/O = Mexican Order!

C/L/I = Christmas List Item!

H/M = Horror Movie!


It was currently nighttime, and you were with Freddy in his room while getting ready to go to 'bed'

"Goodnight, Superstar..." He murmurs into your ear

"Night Freddy."

"I love you..."

"I love you too." You smile and give him a peck on the muzzle

A little bit after he falls asleep, you quickly open your eyes and check to make sure if he really is

"Freddy." You shake him lightly


"Freddy." You try again

"Mmm... Yes, Superstar, I would like an extra slice of pizza..." He mumbles while holding you closer, very much in a deep sleep right now

'How should I go about this...' You think to yourself

Carefully lifting his arms off of you, you sneak out of bed and start tiptoeing out of the room

"Superstar...?" He whispers in his sleep, a soft whimper coming from him as he searches for you like a small child searching for their stuffed toy


Quietly sneaking back over to the bed, you discreetly slip a pillow under his arm before giving him a kiss on the cheek

"Mmm..." He cuddles it in his sleep, purring softly as he smiles from the light kiss

'There. All better...'

Smiling to yourself, you sneak out of the room and head straight for the lobby. The moment you make it down to the fountain there, you're met with the sight of Roxy and Chica waving at you

"Ayyy! What's up besties?" You approach them

"Hey Y/n! I'm glad you could make it!" Chica smiles while kicking her feet in the air

"Sup? Miss us?" Roxy smirks while throwing a rock sign for a greeting

"You know I did!"

Once they stand up from the rim of the fountain, you all exchange hugs

"So, Freddy asleep?" She raises an eyebrow once letting go

"Mhm! Sleeping like a baby!" You nod

"Sweet! Ready to kick off our weekly get-together?" She rubs her hands together


The three of you link arms with each other

"Then what should we do first guys?" She asks

"How about dinner and see where that leads us?" Chica looks between the three of you

"Sounds tasty. You in, Y/n?"

"Yep! The usual at El Chip's?"

"Now you're talkin'!"

You all start heading to the Atrium to get there

"Wanna flirt with Chip to see how flustered he gets?" Chica gives a devious smile

"Sorry. I'm loyal to my man. You guys have fun with that, though!" You smile

The three of you eventually make it to his restaurant and get inside to be met by the beaver himself

"Hola, Amigos! Having your weekly night out?" He leans against the counter, adjusting his sombrero

The married life! | Glamrock Freddy x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now