Cp 1 meeting a future hero

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Before we start, I want to say from now on y/n will go by gilgamesh with that out of the way. Let's begin


I wake up on a grassy field look around, but then I see my hands, and they look different as well as my close with me, remembering what happened

Gilgamesh: (I guess it wasn't a dream alright the system)

System: Welcome to the gamer system. Would you like to start




I think yes

System: Welcome host. Would you like to know what the system does




I think yes again

System: Alright, host the gamer system does not tell you how strong you get it gives you ways to get stronger by giving you weapon, magic, summons, and abilities would you like to see the shop

I think yes again

System: Currently for sale

Madara ten tails power: 1,000,000

Sukuna cleave and dismantle: 1,000,000

Random devil fruit: 100,000

Random magic: 100,000

Random weapon: 80,000

Current points: 10,000

Current time before shop resests: 24hr

I was shocked at what they had in the shop. I mean, they sukuna technique in the shop, and I don't have enough, but whatever

Gilgamesh: (gamer system, do I have any free spins?)

System: Yes, you do host. Would you like to do a free spin

I think yes

System: spinning

System: congratulations host you have won a get out of death free card*epic*. With this, you can cheat death

I smirked at this that was really good to have, and it was an epic

I was happy but I needed to start moving so I started walking north or at least what I thought was north but then up ahead I saw a 16 year old girl in a mask and then it hit me this was when shizue was younger I wanted to meet her badly so I started running towards her before I lose her


It has been a day since my master has left me. I was sad and thought maybe I was not good enough, so currently walking towards a random kingdom I heard about, I decided to become an adventure to make money and maybe find a way to get rid of iffrit but then I heard some yelling behind me

???Hey, hold on for a second!!

I turned around and saw a beautiful blonde man wearing weird clothes running up to me. I thought maybe he was lost and wanted directions, so I stopped, and after a minute, he caught up to me and asked

???Hey, how are you doing? I am looking for the nearest kingdom!


Gilgamesh: Hey, how are you doing? I am looking for the nearest kingdom!

When I finally caught up to her, I decided to ask her since it would be weird to fawn over my favorite wifu

Shizue: I am doing well. I am heading to the *insert name*, which is the closest one. From here, you can come if you want

I smiled but also remembered that she still has iffrit in her, so I will have to help her with that. I responded by saying

Gilgamesh: *smiles* That's a relief. I thought I would be lost forever by the way I am Gilgamesh. What is your name?

Shizue: My name is shizue izawa

Gilgamesh: it's good to meet you, shizue now, then let's be off

She nodded, and we started walking towards *insert name* kingdom



After a couple hours, they arrived there entering they saw a huge festival while y/n was looking around shizue asked

Shizue: Now that we are here, I will be going to guild

Before she could walk off, he said

Gilgamesh: W-Wait a moment!

Shizue turned around, confused

Gilgamesh: I was coming here as well to sign up to the guild. Would it be OK I came with?

Shizue took some time to think one one hand she didn't know this person to well but on the other he has been kind and nice the entire way here so she nodded and told him to follow her

After a couple more long minutes of walking, they arrived at the guild with them walking in they saw it wasn't that crowded and went up to the receptionist.

Receptionist: Oh, hello there! Welcome to the Iron legion guild what may you need on this fine day!

She asked kindly which shizue went up to her and asked

Shizue: My name is shizue aizawa it nice to meet you as well, I was wondering where we get registered as adventures?

The receptionist looked at the person behind her. When she saw him, she blushed, thinking he was the most handsome person she had ever met

Y/n seeing her stare at him, though she needed him to introduce himself, so he went right next to shizue and said

Gilgamesh: Hello there, my name is Gilgamesh it a pleasure to meet you

he waves while saying that, which makes her come back to reality trying to regain her composure she shook her head and said

Receptionist: *ahem* y-yes hello to you to, if you want to be an adventure, you will have to fill out this piece of paper and take a practical test to see what rank you will be but unfortunately because of the festival going on he will be gone until tomorrow.

Shizue looked a little upset about that but responded saying

Shizue: I see. Then we will come back tomorrow

The receptionist nodded and said goodbye while they walked out, and Gilgamesh said

Gilgamesh: I have money to stay the night if you are fine with it?

Shizue took a second to respond, thinking maybe it was better to go for the night with him since she didn't have any money

Shizue: *nods* All right, then I will be in your care

Y/N blushed hearing that but shook it off quickly and said

Gilgamesh: Right!

After saying that, they headed to an inn for the night, of course, sleeping on different beds


Sorry it took so long to get out, but with constant tests and my end of quarter exams, I just now had the time to do it. I'm so sorry the next chapter won't take as long as I promise!

That Time I Got Reincarnated As The King Of HeroesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя