Cp 4 A new adventure

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After calming down, y/n thought

Gilgamesh: (So, I have two good choices and 1 bad I need to think properly for this)

On one hand, he could help shizue with this quest and save her from iffrit, but on the other side, he could have a great ally and there is no telling if he will get this chance again

After a minute, he made his choice

Gilgamesh: (I decided.... I will take beru!)

System: Congratulations, host. You have obtained the summon, beru!

After hearing that, he started walking back with shizue after she cut a piece of the spider for proof of a job well done

While walking, he looked at the description of beru

Beru description: A summon of emmence caliber that can go against some of the strongest

Downside: It takes a lot of magicules to keep it summoned

Gilgamesh: (It's good I got this even though I should have taken the map. I do remember that the spirit queen is pretty well known from what the manga said before I got to her part)

Before he could think further, the shizue broke the silence and asked

Shziue: What do you want to do now that our first quest is done?

Gilgamesh: You mean like a celebration for us completing it?

Shizue nods with Y/N responding

Gilgamesh: I don't know how about we just go out and drink?

Shizue looks reluctant but responds

Shizue: A-alright (I have a terrible immunity for drinks, I hope he is a light drinker to)

After that, it went back to a peaceful silence


After two days of traveling, they arrived back at the guild and were given the reward for completing their first quest

When they received their reward for their first quest, they left and headed to a bar to celebrate

When they arrive at the bar, they walk in and see tones of drunk people and adventures who are either passed out or antagonizing the female staff

Gilgamesh: (If they try anything to her, I will kill them! Thankfully, I have great resistance to drinks since I have Gilgameshes actual body)

They walked up to the counter with the bar tender, noticing them

BT: Welcome  to *insert name* bar. What can I get for you today?

Gilgamesh: Red wine for me!

Shizue: I will have a beer. Please

BT: *nods* Of course, coming right up!

The bar tender leaves to go make the drinks while both of them take a seat right next to each other at the bar with y/n, noticing her anxiety he asks

Gilgamesh: Is this your first time at a bar shizue?

Shizue: W-well yea it is. Is this not your first time as well?

Y/N who did go to the bar where a friend of his worked on the weekends to relieve himself of stress and just relax with his friend responded, saying

Gilgamesh: Not really. I have gone many times already, of course not to this exact one but one from my home town

Shizue nodded

Gilgamesh: Though if anything happens, just stay close, and I will protect you if you are drunk

Shziue nodded again and smiled, happy having a friend so kind and caring

Shizue: (I am happy with the choice I made, and even iffrit haven't attempted to take control since I met this person. I guess that is because of his ultimate skill)

Truthfully, it was because of Y/N race being a demi-god, spirits naturally are afraid of them because of the 2/3 God part of him

After a couple minutes, the bartender returned and handed them their drinks and said

BT: *hands them their drinks* Here you go. If you need anything else, just ask!

When he finished with what he had to say, he left to go help other customers with shizue and gilgamesh drinking their drinks


After an hour of drinking, y/n was fine while shizue was already turby and would probably pass out soon, which he knew he should pack and leave before she did

Gilgamesh: Hey, shizue, how about we go?

Shizue: *drunk* O-O-oh g-gilgamesh t-there a-are t-three o-of you?

Before y/n could respond, she passed out on the bar counter, y/n sighed and picked her up, put her on his back, and carried her out only to thank the bartender before he left

On the way back, shize woke up, and still drunk, she cried, which confused y/n

Gilgamesh: h-hey shizue, what's wrong?

Shizue: *silently crying* I-I don't want you to leave me please promise me you won't you are my first friend!

Y/N didn't know shizue full story but knew that Leon and iffrit were the main culprits, so he responded in a comforting voice

Gilgamesh: It's ok, shizue. I promise I will never leave you

When he finished, shizue fell back asleep, smiling,

Gilgamesh: (I promise when I meet this Leon cronwell, I will beat him so bad that he wishes he was never born!)

After confirming the ideal, he continued walking back to the inn in a peaceful silence


We go to the next morning with y/n awake drinking coffee while he looks at his three spins he hasn't used yet

Gilgamesh: (I guess I should see what I got this time)

He then told the system to spin the free spins he had

*ding* *ding* *ding*

System: Congratulations, host. You have unlocked-

(C)100 pizzas: pizza pizza

(E)Master learner: able to learn anything just by seeing it, including some skills that revolve around combat

(M)Hidden quest map to spirit queen: a secret quest that will reward you 1 wish if you complete the spirit queens trial

Reward: 1 wish, ????

When he was done reading that, he spat out his coffee and looked at the mythical hidden quest in shock



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