"I am taking her with me, she will stay with her friends tonight." Matthew did not request, my brother just informed Dante.

"That's not for you to decide." Angelo in true earnestness needs to back the fuck off. His sole existence is getting on my bloody last nerve. 

"I wasn't talking to you, prick.  I am also not asking. Vanessa might be under your custody; I don't give a fuck. But she is my sister, and her well-being is a grave issue for me. So, if I say she is coming with me then it means she is." 

Nicolo was shocked to see this side of his best friend, but he grokked the concern laced underneath. Not to mention, he looked like he really needed time to gobble up the 411. 

"We get you. If Nessa wants to go with you, we are no one to meddle in between." 

Nessa? Seriously? 

"I am not Nessa, Vincenzo. Call me anything but that." I mean, Van and Nessa are like sun and moon, sky and land or day and night. Being called Nessa is the last thing I want. 

"Also, I am taking Whiskey with me." I sighed, feigning exhaustion. 

"The hell you are. That feline is not going anywhere." 

Am I hearing colours? Did Lorenzo finally out himself revealing his sham? 

"Didn't you hate my cat?" I raised an eyebrow, daring him to deny. 

"I never said such a blasphemy. My furball is very much a cutie and lovable. The feline and hate should not even be in the same sentence, if not negatively." Lorenzo rambled, stroking Whiskey who he was cradling in his arms.

"That's not what I remember you said.” I shake my head, moving forward to take my baby away from him. In response, I got hissed at by Whiskey.

“Bloody traitor.” I scowled, glaring at Lorenzo for turning my cat against me.

You know what, I'm leaving. I can't believe this little piece of litter, biting the same hand that fed him.


“Matt, let's go.”

I didn't bother bidding a good ol' farewell to my brothers, instead just marched out of the office with Matthew right behind me.

“Do you wanna drive?” Matt asks, matching my stride with his.

“If you don't mind dying, then sure.”

“On the second thought, I'll drive.” He muttered, whispering something under his breath which I couldn't make out.

A moment later, I was settled down in his car as the expensive passenger princess, and my pauper as the driver.

We both maintained silence, waiting to put enough distance between the Rossi residence and us.

After driving for a while, our drive came to an end with Matt pulling up his car in the parking lot.

Both of us continued to sit in silence when finally, a blaring laugh sliced through it.

Matthew turned towards me, having a difficult time to stop laughing. A grin takes over my face as we both celebrate the victory of our sub plan.

“We did it!” He exclaimed, wiping the sole tear that escaped the curtain of his left eye.

“We bloody did!” I agreed, pinching the skin on his neck strongly.

“What the hell!” Matthew shouted, rubbing the irritated skin.

“You couldn't have told me about the girl?”

While we succeeded, I was actually pissed at not being informed prior to the drama happening.

“You were supposed to be shocked. We know the psycho would have guessed it wasn't the real blood if she remained in control for a bit longer.”

Matthew's argument was reasonable.

When Damien and Emma realised it was Nessa by the end of the lecture, they had texted Matthew.

We were not sure if it would have worked, but we decided to shoot our chance.

Thankfully, it did.

It was shadow who dealt with the girl. He threatened to ruin her and her family life if she doesn't do as he says.

Which worked in his defence, the girl came prepared. She had covered her throat with small fake blood packets around her throat, and covered it with fake skin.

Thus, while she acted like she was dying, nothing happened to her. Not a scratch.

Being unaware about this particular part was the reason I was able to regain control, otherwise the plan would have failed miserably.

“What about the girl and her family? Are they gone yet?”

Matthew nodded his head.

“Shadow personally saw to them. He made sure that they will never return to Italy.”

I scoffed, they won't return because they value their lives, I'm pretty sure Shadow threatened them with bodily harm or maybe add them to his ‘secret’ collection.

He is one sick fuck.

“I guess, it's time to do some real work then.”


A/N:- Did you like the chapter?

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Take care ❤️



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