Chapter 12

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I was working on the Transfer of Royalty and Power paperwork for myself, leaving aside Nick's portion, but also contemplating whether or not to give it to him. I heard a light knock on my door. "Enter," I say firmly and move an open file on top of the paperwork, just to make sure Nick doesn't see it if he is at the door. I hear the door close and look up to see Mike walk into the room and sit down across from me. 

"Nick is sulking in the living room, you're in your office, what's happened? If there was ever a better expert in love, it would be me," he says, leaning back. 

"Nick's been glued to his phone all day and asked if we were rushing things so I'm giving him some space. I want him to know I'll be willing to do what he wants and assure him in any way possible," I say, closing the file slowly. He groans and shakes his head. 

"Did he tell you he wanted to be alone?" he asks. I shake my head and he groans, shaking his head. "Dude, is this your first relationship?" he asks. I nod, making him throw his hands up. He stands up and mumbles "figures" under his breath. 

"The thing about long-lasting relationships is open communication. You need to communicate, talk to him," he said. 

"He told me he thought we were taking things too fast! I thought this was what he wanted," I say and he walks around, spinning my chair to look at him. 

"You're not a mind reader! You can't just assume that you understand something about someone you've been in a relationship with for less than a week! You and he are completely different, you need to talk to him. Tell you what, I'll keep that little lady down there and send him up here. Start the sentence off with 'I feel' and open up. Talk to him, no arguments,"  he said and walked out. 

"Thank you," I say before he completely left the room. He smiles at me and walks out completely. I cleaned off my desk, putting the transfer paperwork in my locked drawer. I stood up and straightened out my T-shirt and jeans. I heard the door open and looked at Nick as he walked in, smiling at him. His eyes looked a bit red, but he was still beautiful to me, my beautiful baby boy. I took his hands and we sat on the couch. 

"I feel like you want to take it a bit more slow with what you said. I wanted to give you some space because I thought you wanted to slow down before the wedding, I'm sorry if that upset you," I said. 

He shakes his head, "No, I'm sorry. I was letting Luna get in my damn ear and started saying I was moving too fast and that I didn't know you. She kept saying that I hadn't left this house or had anyone over for so long and you were trapping me. Then she sent me that stupid article from last year," he said. 

My eyebrow raised, "What article?" I asked. He pulled out his phone and opened the article up. 

Prince of Hell Kills Student Over Cookies and Milk at Local Public School

I start to laugh and hand him the phone back. He looked shocked at me and I shook my head. "I didn't kill him, I beat him up severely for assaulting Jane. That idiot imp didn't know she was the princess of Hell. She was on the phone with me and this asshole jock, who was around my age, pulled her into a closet. I sped over and found her, dragged him out, and beat him into a coma. He told the reporters it was milk and cookies. My sister wanted to correct it, but I didn't want others to see her as weak or stupid. So I said to just drop it, only people close to us know what happened. You can ask her if you want," I say. He shakes his head and grips my hands tighter.

"No need, I trust you. Jenny snapped me out of everything earlier. She made me realize that Luna's just jealous and wanted to break us up because I beat her in something for once in her life," he said. 

"And what is that?" I ask, making him smile and look at me with his beautiful, purple eyes. 

"I got you, the future king of Hell. And, in turn, I become a future ruler of Hell, I become her boss, essentially," he said. 

"Well, I would never let you go, and I would never date her because, well, she's lacking something important," I say. He starts laughing and hugs me. 

"I'm sorry my shitty family got in the way of us," he said. I pulled him to me and hugged him back. 

"Those people are not your family. Family are your chosen people close to you who love and care about you, relatives are the people who are your blood," I say. He gently pulls back and nods, kissing my cheek. "Now, let's go downstairs, we have company for the first time in our new home, it's rude to keep them waiting," he said, standing up and pulling my arms with him. I pull him to me and hold him a bit longer. 

"While I was up here, I gave Amodeus a call. He confirmed that Stolas required a love spell from him for Stoals to approve the union. He didn't want any chances of us not connecting. Asmodeus told me the spell wears off after intercourse. So everything after day two was just us, but he also told me it's natural for the person to bond stronger to whom they lost their virginity, so that took over when the spell was done," I say, gently petting his head. I feel him nod in my chest. 

He takes my hand and walks me to the elevator, we take it down in comfortable silence. We walked to the living room where Jenny and Mike were comfortably talking. Jenny shot up when she saw me and bowed. I laugh and wave her off. 

"You're in the company of friends, no need to be all formal," I say. She nods and laughs nervously. I sit in an armchair off to the side and pull Nick on my lap. "So, what have we decided to do tonight, hm? Movies, games, just chilling?" I ask, rubbing Nick's arm while I hold him. 

"I'm down for anything," Mike says, shrugging. I hum and take a look over at Jenny, who looks scared. 

"What about you Jenny? What do you feel like?" I ask her. She looks up at me and I smile at her, trying to comfort her in some way. 

"I'm also down for anything," Jenny said, rubbing her hands. Nick got off my lap and sat next to her, trying to calm her nerves. 

"How about we go shopping? Get out of the house and then grab dinner, my treat. We can head to the Greed Grab Mall," I say. Jenny nods and Mike smirks, knowing what I was doing. I was doing what Nick wanted while trying to make his friend comfortable. 

"That sounds good, I could use some new clothes before school starts. Impress the people, maybe find me a romantic partner," Mike said. 

"Cool, it's decided. How about Nick and I take a car, Mike can take his car, and Jenny can take her car, so we can each not have to separate what we buy when we get back here," I suggest. 

"Can I ride with Jenny there? I was hoping to talk to her about something," Nick asks. I nod and stand up. We all walk over and put on our shoes, I grab my wallet and keys on the table by my door on my way out. I go into the garage and hop in my car, headed to the mall with Queen playing over the speaker. 

After a 20-minute drive, I park in the mall's parking lot and text Nick and Mike that I'm at Entrance 3 at the mall. I walk into the mall and stop at a Dimond and Elegance jewelry store right by the entrance, I had been meaning to stop in here just hadn't had the time yet. 

"Can I help you, Your Majesty?" an imp clerk asks me. 

"I'd like to pick up and pay for my order," I say, to which she nods and goes into the backroom. She comes back a few minutes later and opens the three boxes. One had a gold necklace with diamonds and an emerald in the middle for my mom's birthday, one had a simple diamond necklace with white gold for my sister's 'welcome to high school' gift, and one simple white gold band with diamonds for Nick, a small promise ring. 

"Is it to your liking?" she asks. I nod and hand her my card. She takes the boxes, packs them up, and hands me back my card and the bag with my jewelry. I thank her and walk out, thanking Satan that Nick took a separate car.

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