Chapter 1

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Have you ever had every single one of your hopes and dreams come true in one single second? Well, I have, and it's the most amazing thing that could ever fucking happen to a demon.

Let me start again, my name is James Knight (just a random last game given to me since most royal demonic beings don't get last names) and I'm the son of The Devil and heir to Hell's throne. Thankfully, no one in the public has seen me, even other royalty. I wanted it to be like that so I could go to a public high school and meet the people I will rule over soon. Thankfully, our high schools have dormitories on sight (but those have to be paid for by our parents) and my dad paid for a private dorm (well, threatened the head of the school to give me a private one, with a private bathroom) .

And that's where I was headed when I heard Nick Starnight, the world's most handsome man and the love of my life say my name. I stopped in my tracks and hid behind the wall.

"So what, I have Hell's biggest crush on James Knight. It's not like he notices me anyway. He's probably fucking some hot girl right now. Hell, he's a grade above me anyway," Nick says and I try not to laugh, I'm the gayest fucker Hell's ever known. And also, the oldest virgin Hell's ever know. Not my fault, as soon as I saw Nick, I knew I had to make him mine, and I've been saving that for him, my first real relationship.

"That's not what I heard. A, he's gay. B, he's got a huge ass crush on you. And C, I caught him staring at your ass during gym today. Plus you guys share so many classes Mr. Advance In Schooling," Jenny, his friend, says. Which, she's right about everything and I also thought no one caught me in gym today.

"Don't say things to make me feel better, he's the most popular guy in school, he probably hasn't noticed me at all. Fuck, he doesn't even have my phone number, he's never flirted with me, and he doesn't really talk to him," Nick says and I smirk a bit. I do have his number, perks of being the heir to all of Hell. But also, he's right about everything after that, oops, never really did this flirting thing. I decided to shoot him a text, because fuck it, I love him and he likes-like me. And I want to kiss the fuck out of his face.

Hey Nick, this is James. Mind meeting me at my dorm? It's Building A, Room 5J. I think I accidentally grabbed your Chem textbook -James K.

I heard his phone go off. Yes, I do have his Chem textbook, he left it in class and we happen (not really) to sit next to each other. I take the long way back to my dorm, avoiding where they are and quickly set my book bag down on my desk, take a shower and shave. I just make myself look presentable. I put my sweatpants on and keep them low on my waist so my boxer's waistband sticks out. I notice a text on my phone, smiling as I see it's from Nick.

Hey James! Yeah, I was looking for that. Thanks, I'll be by in 30 minutes. -Nick

I look and see he'll be here in less than 5 minutes. I throw some things on my desk to make it look like I'm studying and put my book bag on the back of my chair. I clean up my room as much as I can, putting dirty clothes in my hamper and clean clothes in a drawer. I put my phone on its charger and open my laptop. I run my hand through my hair, messing my hair up a bit. I hear a knock on the door and smile. I get up and open the door, where Nick stands in all his handsome glory. He opens his mouth slightly and looks down at my chest and exposed tattoos. He's a few inches shorter than me, but it's the perfect fucking height.

"Hey Nick, come on in," I say with a big smile and open the door enough to let him in. He slowly comes in and looks around. My eyes wander down to his perfect ass and smirk a bit before closing the door and walking in with him. I took his textbook out from my bag and handed it to him. He takes it with a smile and I move in a bit closer.

"W-What are you doing," he says quietly. I gently cup his cheek with my free hand. He blushes and looks up into my eyes. I almost melt into a fucking puddle, he's so fucking cute, hot, handsome, and every other word that means 'the most beautiful man in the entire world'.

"I heard you may like me as much as I like you. And I'm not going to let you get away from me," I say and lean in slightly, hoping to Satan he closes the gap.

I close my eyes and soon feel his lips on mine. I feel the textbook being dropped onto the floor beside us and I move my hands to his waist, pulling him to me, soaking into this moment. I feel his hands wander to my chest, his hands resting on my pecks. The kiss gets deeper and I reach my hands under his shirt, slowly planning to move it off when someone's phone rings. We pull apart, lips swollen and both smiling like fools, like we both had our dreams come true. I look over and see it's my phone. I check the screen and see it's my dad. I groan lightly and shoot him a text saying I was busy and would call him back after dinner. I turn back to Nick, who is stuffing his textbook into his book bag.

"Are you busy tonight?" I ask, he looks up, shocked.

"Um, no, not really," he says and I smile at him.

"Great, I'm taking you on a date. 8 o'clock, meet me at the gates of the school. Dress nicely," I say and kiss him quickly on the lips again. He smiles at me and nods.

"Yeah, that sounds great. S-sorry, I just thought that you were gonna just, like," he says trailing off. I laugh, knowing he's thinking I'd use him as a one night stand.

"That's not going to happen. I meant it when I said I really like you. Plus, I'm still a virgin," I say and he looks at me, shocked.

"Really? How?" he says and I smile at him.

"Well, my Sophomore year, I saw the most handsome demon ever come into the school and I decided he was going to be my first, last, and only," I say, gently cupping his cheek. He blushes and looks down. "And yes, I'm talking about you," I say and I see him smile. I kiss him again and let him walk out, to get ready for our date.

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