Chapter 7

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I woke up maybe 2 hours later, my Nick was gone. I stood up, threw on black slacks and a red button up long sleeve with the first two unbuttoned. I quickly threw on dress shoes and socks and walked out of my bedroom. I took my phone out and sent a text to Nick:

Hey love, I woke up to you gone.I love you, where'd you disappear to?

I smile and walk into my new office. My dad was already in there, filing his papers away to get ready for my training period for the office. "So, does this mean I'm done with school?" I ask, leaning against the doorframe. He looked at me and smiled. 

"Yes. And Nick is done as well. I already called the school and the movers are getting both yours and Nicks stuff and bringing it to your new bedroom," he said, putting the last binder on the "Records" bookshelf. 

"Okay. Well, did you inform Nick? Because I don't know where he is and I would--" I start, but my phone interrupts me, while my dad gets a phone call. 

I'm in the 'special' playroom/bedroom with your sister and the twins, as well as your mom. Is something happening for us to be in here?

I immediately look at my dad, panic surging through my veins. He looks at me, his face firm, but anger in his eyes. I head down the stairs, grabbing my weapons in the office before I head out. My dad and I look at each other, before we get ready to defend our family monarchy and the castle.

5 hours later, and one hell of a fight, my dad and I were both battered, bruised, and broken. It was a miracle we were still standing. My dad was taken away to the healer and I headed to the safe room, to get my siblings, mom, and fiancé. My arm was broken and shoulder dislocated,I had a black eye, my face was cut up, I had a nose bleed, I had 3 gunshot wounds and 10 stab wounds with the knife still in 4 of them. My shirt had been lost in the fight and my pants were destroyed. I felt like Swiss cheese and a punching bag. I was ready for both my mom and Nick to worry over me, so I slowly opened the door after putting in the combination. I open it wide open, to see my siblings fast asleep and my mom, in a t-shirt and jeans, and Nick, in a t-shirt and sweats, talking. They look over at me and Nick bolted over to me, cupping my face in his hands. He was looking me over like I was a fragile vase. I smile lightly at him and use my good arm to wrap around his waist. 

"I'm fine, I barely feel a thing," I say and look over him to my mom. "I'm fine, dad's with the healer," I say to her. She nods, smiling at me. I keep my good arm around him and walk him to the elevator, taking him up to our room. 

"Let me heal you, please? I don't want you to be like this," he said, making me smile at him. 

"Fine, go ahead. But, you join me in the shower," I say. He nods and places his hands on my chest. He mumbles stuff in latin and I watch the injuries disappear, except the ones with bullets and knives still in them, leaving 8 bullet holes and the 4 knives. He curses under his breath. I kiss his forehead and guide him to my new office. I close the door behind him as he looks around in awe. I go and grab a first aid kit from by the filing cabinet. I walk over and hand it to him, smiling at him. He smiles back and opens it, grabbing the long tweezers. I watch as he pulls one of the knives out, blood immediately gushing out. He recites the latin as quickly as he could. And that repeats for all wounds. He looked defeated, but pleased. I kissed his forehead before taking off my shredded pants and throwing them away. While turned, I hear Nick laugh. 

"How did you get shot in the ass?" he asked, between laughter. I groan and bend over my desk slightly. 

"Can you, ya know, help? Please my love?" I ask. He nods, takes the bullet out with the tweezers and heals the wound. I turn around and kiss him. He smile and kisses back, putting his hands on my waist. 

"Since we're here and you're already naked, why don't we break the office in?" he asks, a glint of mischief in his eye. 

"Technically,I'm not-" I start, but Nick literally rips my briefs off before I could finish. I'm stunned at the force my baby boy had. I smirk at him and he gets on his knees, looking up at me. I almost came right there. He starts by teasing me, which makes me grip the edge of my desk. I look at him, slowly licking up and down the sides of my cock. I groan loudly and grip my desk, trying so damn hard not grab his hair and ram his head down on my cock. I groan and look down at him. He looked up at me with hooded eyes. He pulled and to take his shirt off, throwing it somewhere. 

"What's wrong?" He says, his voice gruff and husky. I decided 'fuck it' in my mind. I pull him up and push his back on the desk, thankfully it had been emptied by my dad before the attack. 

"You are trying to get me like this, huh? Teasing me, the fucking blindfold, handcuffs, scarves on the list. Well you got me now, I'm at your whim, what do you want?" I whisper in his ear, biting the lobe. He let out a loud moan, his hands finding where my hands were once on the edge of the desk. 

"Please," he begs, making me smirk. I pull his pants and boxers off in one motion, throwing them God knows where. 

"What do you want my little demon? Use your words," I say, my face inches from his.

"Fuck me, please, fuck me and use me," he says breathlessly. I smirk and roughly kiss him, his hard dick colliding with mine. 

"What ever my demon wants. Now don't you dare move your hands," I say after pulling away. I kiss down the side of his neck. I suck and bite my way down to right above his dick. I watch it twitching with need before looking up at him, pure bliss plastered on his face. I smirk and lift his legs, which revealed his beautiful little hole swallowing a black buttplug. I look up at him, smirking at him.

"You were prepared my little demon. You were ready for this baby boy, and believe me, I'm ready for you. I was hoping to taste you, but I don't know now, such a naughty little demon," I say, making him whine and his hands grip the desk. 

"Please my Devil, please," he whines and begs. I smirk, and stand up straight. I pull him to me by his hips, his ass pressed against my dick. His hands had moved to mine. I tick at him and look at the panic in her eyes. I go to one of the drawers, used to hold tools of torture, grabbing rope and a tie. I move over to him, my dick now resting just above his head. I blindfold his eyes, watching him whine as he loses his sense of sight. I move to tie his hands together, before moving to tie his ankles, separately, throwing the ropes for his ankles and hands up to a ring in the ceiling, normally used for torture but for today, my baby boy's pleasure, they were spread and raised. I pull the ropes and keep them tight. He groaned as his limbs were held spread and vulnerable, and like a buffet for me to enjoy. I move around to his ass, then pull the plug out, watching him moan as his hole gapes, begging to be filled. 

"Now, you're gonna cum from just me ponding that little hole of yours," I say, thrusting completely in, one thrust. I just thrust, as hard and fast as I can. He was a moaning, cursing mess. I kept going and going, watching him cum twice before I spill inside him. I pull out then quickly thrust the plug back in.

I move back around to his head and gently tilt it all the way back. I pull his jaw open softly, the thrust my cock completely down his throat. I use him mouth and throat, his moans and gags only making me closer to cumming. I thrust all the way in and cum down his throat, which forced him to swallow it all. 

After, I let him down from his binds and relieve him of his blindfold. I pick him up gently and carry him to our bedroom. I wash him out, removing the plug from him, gently kissing him as he falls asleep. I carry him to our bed and cuddle him to my chest, slowly falling asleep next to the love of my life.

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