Chapter 11

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After 5 hours of torturing these bitches, with Nick leaving around hour 3, I walked out of the room. "Throw them in the Wrath ring, I want them out of my domain," I say to the two imps outside the door. They nod and I walk off, headed to the elevator. My dad walked up next to me, still stone-faced. "Let's talk in my office, I want some privacy," I say. He nods and moves into the elevator with me. I press the button for the private floor and we go up in silence. I feel my phone buzz in my back pocket. I take it out to glance at it:

Asmodeus: Everything for your room is set in place. Are there any last requests?

I think for a moment before replying: 

James: Could you put some things good for aftercare in there? I trust your judgment. 

Asmodeus: Thank you for your trust! I have just the things in mind. 

James: Thank you.

I slide my phone back into my pocket as the elevator opens. I walk to my office and open the door. I hold it open for my dad, closing it behind him. I sit at my desk chair while he sits in a chair in front of my desk. "Overall, you did fucking fantastic son. You dealt them their punishment, gave them a correct disobeying punishment, and sent them to the right circle of Hell. Now, just fill out the paperwork and you're all set. I'm proud of you," my dad says. My breath nearly stops in my throat. This is the first time my dad has ever said he was proud of me. It felt surreal and like an amazing moment all at once. 

"Thank you, dad. I'll keep making you proud, I promise," I say and he smiles. We both stand up, shake hands, and he leaves. I sit down and do all my required paperwork for the fuckers, before throwing it in the proper binder. 

I groan and stand up, heading to the bedroom. I walk in, not seeing Nick anywhere. I grab a black t-shirt to put on before heading downstairs. Once I'm on the main floor, I look around, still not seeing Nick. I bump into my mom and smile lightly at her. "Hey Mom, have you seen Nick?" I ask. 

"He's in the garden, I saw him in the gazebo by the roses," she says. I hug her and thank her. I jog my way over there and find him sitting on a bench, staring out with a blank expression on his face. I walk over and sit next to him, putting my hand on his knee. He jumps, relaxing when he sees it's me. 

"What's on your mind, love?" I ask, brushing a stray strand of hair out of his face. 

"Do you think we're moving too fast? I mean, it's only been, what, 5 days since our first date, and we're already engaged with a wedding set in 8 months. Plus, we moved in together on day 2. I just feel like we're rushing our relationship," he says, looking at me. 

"It's because we have to. I mean, we're getting married in 8 months whether we want to or not. You moved in to avoid your dad, which I don't blame you for. You'd be living somewhere else regardless. But, if you want, I'd be willing to move you into a private guest room. I want you to be comfortable if we have to spend the rest of our lives together. Or at least live together until we produce an heir, then we can get divorced," I say. He frantically shakes his head, grabbing my hand in both of his. 

"No. I mean, you might be the only decent guy in Hell and I do love you, but I just feel like everything is moving so quickly," he says, to which I nod. 

"If I had to guess, our dads may have had Asmodeus put a spell on us so it moves this quickly. I know it feels weird, but don't worry," I say, kissing the back of both his hands. He smiles lightly and nods. 

"Oh, can I have Jenny come over? I miss her and, ya know, other people," he asks. I laugh and nod. 

"I'll invite Mike over too, have more people over. We can do a movie night or game night, or whatever," I say. He nods and smiles. 

"I'll text her now, you text Mike. I know she's free tonight, so see if he can come," he says and pulls his phone out. I take my phone out with my right hand and wrap my left hand around him. 

James: Hey man, can you come over tonight? They'll be a chick you can flirt with ;)

Mike: COUNT ME IN! (tho a boy 2 flirt with is good 2)

James: Horny bastard

Mike: I'm the future demon of lust, what do u expect?????

James: Some sort of self-control at least

"Mike said he's coming," I say, putting my phone away. He's still texting someone but nods. 

"Jenny said she's coming over too," he says. I nod slightly and look out into the garden. I feel his head lightly press on my shoulder. "I helped your mom move the last of the kids' stuff into the retirement house today. So the house is officially all ours for now," he said. 

"Ours, and the security guards, the maids, the workers during the day, the dungeon guards, and the chefs," I say. He groans, which makes me laugh. "You won't see them. Only when they're needed, or when they're working," I say. 

"We should get ready for people to come over," he said, standing up and walking away. My heart broke a little bit as he walked away from me without a second thought. I saw him still texting as he was walking away. I stood up and walked after him, walking a little behind him. 

"Is something wrong?" I ask, him still looking at his phone. 

"Everything's fine," he said, still walking. I scrunched my eyebrows and followed him. I walked inside and closed the door, while he sat on the couch, sinking in slightly. 

"I'll be in my office if you need anything, okay baby?" He nods, not prying himself from his phone. I sigh lightly and walk over to the elevator. I decide to just leave him alone for a while, thinking he may just be overthinking his earlier comments about moving too fast. Maybe he wanted to slow down everything for a while. He probably feels overwhelmed with how quickly things are moving. I walk into the elevator and patiently wait for it to go to the top floor. I walk into my office and sit at my desk. I decided to look through the applications for the secretary jobs, which I had interviews for soon. I start flipping through them when I see Nick's best friend come across my desk; "Jenny; Middle Child of Ose." I looked through her application, which was very well-built, and then decided to put it in the 'call back for interview' pile. I finish looking through them and throw away the rejected applications. I had 8 that were acceptable and started calling people back. I left the last call for Jenny, deciding that she would probably be driving to my house as I spoke to her. I dialed her number on my office phone, which Nick didn't know the number to, and let it ring. 

"Hello, Jenny speaking," she responded sweetly. 

"Hello Jenny, this is James calling about your job application," I stated, with my business voice on. 

"Hello sir, how are you?" I heard her say, shifted where she was. 

"I'm doing good. Do you think you could come in for an interview sometime in the next 3 days between 9 AM and 6 PM?" I ask, looking through my calendar in front of me. 

"Um, yeah, give me a second," she said before I could hear my baby giggling over the phone, which immediately made me smile. She must have put me on speaker while looking through her phone calendar. I hear her shush him before saying a low 'um.' "I'm sorry for my friend. I can do it tomorrow at 3 PM. Is that okay?" 

"That's perfect, I'll see you then. Have a good night," I respond, hoping I'm still on speaker. 

"Thank you, you t-," she starts before I hearn Nick say "What the fuck?" and I hear the phone move before a small 'what' for Nick. 

"Whose number are you fucking calling from?" he says, anger coming from his voice lightly. 

"My office phone. I only use it for business matters. I'm still in my office like I said I would be. You could've texted me that people had arrived. I'm hanging up now," I say before putting the phone back on the hook. I look at my phone, still having no texts from anyone. I sigh and put the applications in order of when I have the interviews, my first one being at noon tomorrow. I put them in my top drawer before leaning back in my office chair. I felt like shit and had no idea why. 

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